OC2 - mentorship at school entrepreneur program and teaching at college (paid lecturer))

Hi All,

Will appreciate you help.
I have two past activities which seem relevant for this category.
1 - I volunteered as a mentor for the “The Future Skills Entrepreneur Mentorship” program in 2017-2018, representing Cisco as an Hitech company. I worked with a class of 25 pupils from Raanana Secondary School to help them build real products, starting from idea, through a series of workshops and independent work, toward the final National competition event.
Here is a link https://premium-think-org-il.translate.goog/about/?_x_tr_sl=iw&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=in,wapp to the program.
My question here is - being school mentor counts? and taking into account it was done under umbrella of company i was employed at the time (the volunteering has been done outside of work hours and in field of entrepreneurship, not software engineering) - will be accepted?

2 - I was a paid lecturer freelance at technology college. I was paid well above the average, and was responsible to prepare and deliver lectures, make assessments, give final grades. The college is well known and popular, but not an academic, students receive certificate of completion, rather than BCs. Will this expirience accepted for OC2?


If you get paid for it then I don’t think you can use it for OC2. OC2 is about your efforts outside of the work meaning you won’t get paid for it. I think you can use mentorship in oc3 but not sure about the freelance lecturing.

Thanks @vudu.
I have other evidences and story plot for OC3, and i guess there is no benefits in adding more evidences there, as having two different stories for OC3 will not be count as 2 different OCs, and i still must to provide another OC evidence.

Will be interesting to hear more opinions / confirmations about being a paid university lecturer for two years and delivering data science topics, while doing a full time job as a software architect (focused on pure software topics like virtualization, containerisation, etc) will not be a sufficient evidence for OC2?.


School mentoring might not be strong case and any mentoring program with paid might not be considered under OC2.

Thanks Ramesh87!

“School mentoring might not be strong case” - i see your point.
although building 9 months long working gov supported program might be considered as a significant tech challenge.
I was hoping some might have submitted / or seen kind similar case and can share accurate info…

“mentoring program with paid” - I was lecturer at college, and “teaching at a university” is listed, i am not sure though is (and why, if that assumption is correct), this teaching must be done volunteery?.
Again, i was hoping to find someone with similar experience…

Have a good day!

Teaching in your university might not be counted , but if you were invited by other universities or colleges as guest lecture and mentor students might be counted.

You should have proper invite email or letter why and how they choose you.