New passport in-between Stage 1 and 2

Hi everyone,

I got endorsed in Oct but it was a bit in a rush that I had to get the result asap before asking my current company to sponsor me in case of getting rejected. (I am currently in the UK)

However, in the meantime, I also had to get a new passport different from the one I put in for Stage 1.
Should I reach out to Tech Nation or Home office? Or is it okay if I send a copy of the previous passport and my new one? Or just send the both?

FYI My previous Passport expires in 4 months but not sure if I can still use it cause I got my new one.

Thank you so much!!! .

I think you can provided both during stage two as most times you nedd up to six months on your passport. During your application explain under additional application that you have a new pasport and quote the passport number of both passports