Need review on evidence regarding mandatory Criteria

Hi Everyone, I have split my mandatory criteria documents into 3 evidences.

1- My Product led digital company. In 3 pages Evidence. My company offers a suit of white label apps for mobile and 2-3 other system apps

Page 1:
Reason: Why I chose this evidence for this criteria
Overview: An overview of the product
Website link
Contributions: Details of how each part of the product works ( I have 4-5 systems in the design)

Page 2
Tech Stack Used
Company Growth and Running revenue statistics
Graphs of current and future growth and revenue
Future Overview of whats coming next

Page 3
Audit Report first 2 pages, Architecture diagram.

Evidence 2
I am rebranding my product led company to a new company which will incorporate 2-3 more systems to make it more broader sector wise + integration of AI

Page 1:
Given overview

Page 2 & Page 3:
Link of Investor ready Business plan and some information from it pasted on the pages

Evidence 3

1- A startup I worked in as Solution Architect

Page 1:
Reason: Why I chose this evidence for this criteria
Overview: An overview of the product
Website link
Contributions: Details of how each part of the product works and how I helped leading the team and architecting its details

Page 2
Impact or growth of business details
Media And Gov’t recognition of the product and its links
Architecture of the sytem and tech stack used

Page 3
Employee letter and a couple of screenshots from git

Can you guys please rate these evidences and let me know what kind of more evidence I need to put for each.

Last of all, I worked in a company in my country where I was hired by an American company and was paying me 50k USD per year. Now this salary is not high in US but extremely high in Pakistan (around 3 times) Can I present this as evidence for high salary?

I will be extremely obliged for this.