Need help with MC!

First of all, a huge shoutout to everyone in this forum!

While I have read the Technation guide X 10 times and searched everything in this forum before finalizing my docs, I have a quick question to ask.


For one of the MC in my application,

Selected Category: You led the growth of a product-led digital technology company, product, or team inside a digital technology company, as evidenced by reference letter(s) from leading industry expert(s) describing your work, or as evidenced by news clippings, lines of code from public repos, or similar evidence.

I have a referral letter from the CTO/Co-Founder of my previous employer. He talks about:

  • I was the founding member of the Data Team and hired and grew the team as the business grew.
  • Implementation of a scalable data warehouse structure and how the platform has been able to process 110M data points.

Now, I want to add evidence related to that, like:

  • Data warehouse architecture diagram
  • Data size chart (YoY) to showcase the scalability of the data warehouse design.


The referral letter is 2 and a half pages, and the evidence does not fit on the remaining page.

Should I create another document and explain in detail with the liberty to use the full 3 pages?
Should I cram as much as I can in half a page?

Has anyone experienced a similar situation? Any help is appreciated.

Thank you in advance!

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Hi @Shreeniwas_Iyer I believe you had a pretty comprehensive application. Would you be able to help on this matter ?