Need Help: Please help review and evaluate my evidence

Developer Relations/ Software Developer

Years of Experience: 7+Years [Exceptional Talent]

MC 1:

  • Screenshots of products I led as a Developer Relations Engineer, demonstrating significant customer acquisition.
  • Evidence of growing API calls from over 2k to Millions.
  • Screenshots showing the growth of a developer community from 0 to over 10k members.
  • Proof of innovative open-source projects that have impacted the digital technology sector
  • Testimonials from colleagues and engineers from other industries

M C 2:

  • Reference letter from the co-founder and VP of Engineering, detailing the commercial value and impact of my work.

OC 1:

  • Talks and conference speaking engagements with significant viewership.
    1. Screenshot of my keynote talk at a conference with over 1K attendees, including video evidence and a reference letter from the event organizer.
    2. Screenshot of an event where I participated in a panel session with over 500 attendees, including an invitation letter and testimonials from attendees.

OC 2:

  • Screenshots proving my role as a key engineer in the core product of a startup (Backend Lead).
    • Evidence of the product development pipeline, code contributions, partnership emails, cloud deployment flows, and product design flows showcasing my consistent contributions.
    • Reference letter from the CEO detailing my contributions and the impact of my work.

Letters of Recommendation:

  1. Letter from a co-founder and CTO of a leading bank (familiar with my work for over 6 years).
  2. Letter from the VP of Engineering of a leading fintech company in the UK (familiar with my work for over 2 years).
  3. Letter from the CEO of a leading AI startup in the US (familiar with my work for over 2 years).
  4. Letter from a Senior solution architect at Microsoft (familiar with my work for over 7 years).


CV: Detailed work history covering the past 7 years, including mentorship and volunteer activities.

SOP: Outline of my career transition, motivations, and the startups / Non-profit organization I have co-founded.

Thank you. @alexnk @Francisca_Chiedu

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Your reviews are highly appreciated @Francisca_Chiedu @alexnk @pahuja Thank you.

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Hi @Ibraheem_zulkifli

Think you swapped OC1 and OC2 by mistake.

Overall this draft looks good but the total evidence feels limited. Can you add a few more pieces of evidence across?

Your OC1 (Innovation) might need some more strength. Would you have any external proof here of the product being launched like news links, media mentions, company blog?

You can only submit 3 LORs, would recommend using one of them as a reference letter in either MC or OC1.

Thank you very much, @Pahuja. I appreciate your feedback.

Yes, I mix-up the OCs.

For OC1, our product isn’t in the media yet as we’ve just exited the MVP stage, but we do have enterprise companies using us. I would appreciate any suggestions for alternative evidence to replace the media mention.

I will add more reference letters to both OC1 and OC2.

Thank you again for your time, I’ll appreciate your response.

@Ibraheem_zulkifli In that case:

  1. You may need one more innovation proof in OC1 - is it possible?
  2. Is it possible for you to get some proof of enterprise companies using the product at MVP stage? Any testimonials or feedback you can get from an enterprise company on how this was new and innovative and had a positive impact?

Remember there are 3 key aspects to this: A. How is the product/feature innovative? B. Your significant contribution in this innovation journey C. Impact of it

Usually only the last point C. Impact can be shown by some external proof. B. The significance of your contribution can be validated by a letter and A. will be part your self-documentation

Thank you for breaking it down, Pahuja

Yes, I can get some enterprise testimonial from our customers, in form of reference letters I believe?

Thanks so much.

Yes - you can also try if you can get snapshots of how the product/feature is used on the client end? Think of everything you can show from outside-in :slight_smile:

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I’ll try all my best :grin:

For an exceptional talent application, you don’t seem to have sufficient evidence.
The evidence in the mandatory criteria looks week. Reference letters alone are not sufficient. Besides both evidence do not convincing show you are a recognised leader that is internationally recognised in your field. You can put the key note speaking in OC2 for the mandatory. It shows leadership. Also, do you have significant open source contributions?

I think you need to understand the difference between OC1 and OC2

For OC2 which is work outside your immediate employment. Like I say, use the first speaking evidence here for mandatory. Then add another evidence to the second to strengthen it. In this case, demonstrate that you have advanced the sector.

OC3, is clearly not sufficient, you need to read the tech nation guide and provide quality evidence and the required number for exceptional talent

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Thank you for your comments @Francisca_Chiedu , I appreciate it.

I can get all the evidence updated in my post below. I would appreciate it if you could help take a look one last time.

MC 1:

  • Keynote of a conference with over 1k attendees, with a reference letter from the organizer that states why I was invited, plus testimonials from event attendees.
  • Screenshots of products I led as a Developer Relations Engineer, demonstrating significant customer acquisition (metric snapshot included).
  • Evidence of growing API calls from over 2k to millions.
  • Screenshots showing the growth of a developer community from 0 to over 10k members.
  • Reference letter from the CTO.

OC 2:

  • Talks and conference speaking engagements with significant viewership.
  1. Screenshot of an event where I participated in a panel session with over 500 attendees, including an invitation letter and testimonials from attendees.
  2. Opensource event where I participated in a panel with about 700 attendees.
  3. Evidence of my work in the non-profit sector focusing on digital innovation (the NGO provides tech skill development and coding mentorship opportunities for newbies), including news clips by industry-leading tech media and testimonials from community members.
  4. Reference letter from my State commissioner for innovation and technology

OC 3:

  • Screenshots proving my role as a key engineer in the core product of a startup (Backend Lead).
    • Evidence of the product development pipeline, code contributions, partnership emails, cloud deployment flows, and product design flows showcasing my consistent contributions.
    • Reference letter from the CEO detailing my contributions and the impact of my work.
    • Reference from one of our key customers.
    • Proof of revenue generated and number of signups.

Thank you.

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