Need help on review(Exceptional Promise - Software Engineer)

Hi all,

I’m applying for the Global Talent Visa on the “Exceptional Promise” route and would appreciate it if someone could review my application below.

For context: I have a BSc in Computer Science, 4 1/2 years of software engineering experience.

• Founder of non-profit organization where I was a member and made significant contributions
• Professor and Current Head of Department from my University
• CTO at Company A

MC1 - Published material in professional or major trade publications or major media about the applicant related to the applicant’s work in the digital technology sector. You must include the title, date and evidence that you are the author of such published material and any necessary translation.

Evidence 1: Github repo containing work that was published
Evidence 2: University’s Documentation of project in the university’s Department
Evidence 3: Snapshot of published article and link

MC2 - Outside of your normal day-to-day job role, you led or were a significant contributor to a substantial open-source project, as evidenced from compilation of code commit summaries, repo stars or similar metrics such as download statistics, where possible.

Evidence 1: Pictures of winning Github’s Hackathon
Evidence 2: Published news article about our hackathon win
Evidence 3: Github Link to repo where I made significant contributions to open-source projects

MC3- You command a high salary or other remuneration for your services, as evidenced by commercial or employment contracts with salary information including any bonus and equity options and history of earnings.

Evidence 1: Employment contract showing a competitive salary (£68,000 base + £25,000 bonus), including comparison via Glassdoor.


OC2- How do I demonstrate that I have been recognised for my work outside of my immediate occupation that contributed to the advancement of the sector?*

I am choosing this OC due to my contributions to the non-profit organization A. My work there was in mentoring girls who seek to explore digital and technological opportunities as well as giving talks to girls in universities and high school in exploring opportunities in tech to bridge the digital gender divide in Africa, more specifically Ghana.

Evidence 1: Snapshot of myself and four other ladies giving a talk at a high school for girls.
Evidence 2: Being featured on the organization website as a member and engineer.
Evidence 3: My GitHub profile demonstrating active participation in a collaborative project
Evidence 4: My Stack Overflow profile showing significant contribution to discussions around code

OC3- How do I demonstrate that I have made a significant technical, commercial or entrepreneurial contributions to the field as a founder, senior executive, board member or employee of a product-led digital technology company?

Evidence 1: Reference Letter from Senior Engineer 1 on the team
Evidence 2: Reference Letter from Senior Engineer 2 on the team
Evidence 3: Snapshot of Github contributions

hi @efuaaa ,

I think your evidences are good however terms used are incorrect. for example, i think what you mean by ‘‘mandatory reference letter’’ , is ‘‘Recommendation Letters’’. Reference Letters are different, and are part of the 10 evidences you provide. whereas recommendation letters are in addition to the 10 evidences.

Your OC3 - is mostly reference letters. see if you can provide additional evidence to support your case

Best of luck!

Hi Maya,

Thank you so much for the feedback on the difference between the mandatory recommendation letters and reference letters! Will work on getting more evidence for OC3. Thanks again!

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@Francisca_Chiedu Hi Francisca, I would really appreciate it, if you could also give me some added feedback. Thank you.

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