Need help evaluating my profile and documents for exceptional promise

I’m a Technical writer with experience working for companies remotely. Could anyone help go through my list of documents and candidly drop their feedback or suggestions on how it can be improved?

3 LORs

  • 1 from the community I contribute to (Project Manager)
  • 1 from my current devrel manager
  • 1 from CEO i have worked with

Mandatory Criteria

  1. News Clippings of community involvement to the product showing how i actively contributed and led the growth.
  2. Organize and spoke at two different events with a cumulative YT views of 2000+ and 1000+ attendees(including presentation slides, YouTube links and email from the event organizers)
  3. Employment Contract with evidence of high salary
  4. Reference letter from Company X (with screenshots of stats of best-performing articles that I have written)

Optional criteria 1 (OC 2)
5. Evidence of mentoring to program A
6. Evidence of mentoring to program B
7. Evidence of mentoring to program C

Optional criteria 2 (OC 3)
8. Document showing my open source GitHub contributions (PRs, team conversations etc)
9. Document showing my contribution to company A (PRs, team conversations etc)
10. Document showing my contribution to company B (PRs, team conversations etc)

I’m pretty new here, but I’ve seen that @Shreeniwas_Iyer and @Francisca_Chiedu have been quite supportive and candid in their reviews.

I’m not limiting the reviews, as I’m open to any and every feedback and suggestion.


Just to point out an error… OC3 is the impact you have had in previous company and the open source you’re showing. The OC3 would go well for OC2 in addition to the mentor you already added.

Do you work for a productled company?I think your recommenders don’t look strong. What’s their profile? Are they considered leaders or experts?
For the mandatory criteria, did the news clipping mention your name?

OC2: what’s your evidence of mentorship? Are these structured programmes?

OC3:I would suggest you get reference letters from your employers confirming your impact.

Yes, I work for a product-led company.
For the recommenders: The first one is more like the project lead for the open-source project and also a member of the board of trustees and a founding member of some tech organization. My manager is Head of Devrel and 1 co-founder. Is that okay or do i need to source for people with higher rep?

For OC2: They are different Google programs, and I have emails, docs, messages, and certificates for one.

For OC3. Thanks for the suggestion I’ll get reference letters from Company A and B

Google your recommenders and see if they have a visble public profile, it helps if they are notable. If they are not notabl at least they should come up in searches showing they are considered experts or leaders in their sector with C or linkedin profile that suggest they are…

Fir th mentorship programme how long was it?

you did not respond to my question o the news clipping.

When did you speak at the event in MC, hope none of your evidence is recent.

Missed the news clipping, it was specifically about me, a community spotlight highlighting what I do and my involvement. Is that okay?

The mentorship program one was for 7 months, the second was for a month and third was for 3 months.

The speaking events were from 2020 and 2021.

I just Googled my recommenders to see what pops up. Luckily, they have visible profiles and publications But if i can i’ll try to get c-suite execs.

I was thinking the recommenders suppose to have some ties to you

I think your evidence are solid. Just put some explanatory note to show it was not a one-time mentorship event. What do you mean by recommenders having ties to you?

I don’t quite get, do you mean moving the open source contributions to OC2

I thought the recommender should be people I have worked with

Not exactly. The TN guide says your recommenders must be senior executives of “their” organization, know your work and must be considered leading industry experts.

The general idea is that you have been recognized outside your normal founded business or paid employment.

This is different though for OCs where you can use letters from senior colleagues from your workplace since they can speak more about your significant contribution.

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Also avoid mentioning your achievements in LOR which is older than 5 years. Although in official guideline there is nothing mentioned that LOR cannot have achievement mentioned older than 5 years but they might reject all criteria because of this. There is recent case of this

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Thank you so much!! Cleared my confusion too.
So, if the recommender is a senior executive and leading industry expert in an IT field but not running a product led startup but

  1. running software development company, fine?
  2. senior executive of some multinational IT company, fine?

Both are good to go as the recommender?
Thanks you!!