My application as Exceptional Talent, Head of Product and Technology, OC1 and OC3

It has taken me 6 months to reach this stage. Your feedback is highly appreciated before the submission. Thank you! @Elias your post is helpful to structure my material.

My skills include: Entrepreneurship, Head of Product and Technology
Application category: Exceptional Talent
All evidences are within 5 years.

PS: in terms of my future plan in the UK, how specific it should be?

LoR1_ Angel Investor of my Startup and CEO, We have worked together for 10 years.

LoR2_CTO of the UK company. We have worked together only for 10 months but knew each other for 1 year. // The letter is not strong as my contribution within only 10 moths is not that significant.

LoR3_Senior Manager at Ant Group, we worked closely in 2 projects and knew each other for 10 years

MC1: Ownership of the Startup and Company’s Revenue in 2023

Company introduction, shareholder agreement (10%) and breakdown of investment (1.7 million GBP investment from angel investors in 2015 and 2018), a statement that I am the founder (I founded the company in 2008), revenue in 2023

MC 2. Comany’s Honors and Gave Speech on a High Profile Meeting

Media Report of the company’s honors. I stated that I am the only shareholder who has the technical background, as a tech company, the company’s honors is inseparable from my contribution.

Gave a speach on a national wise competition, but it is in 2016.

MC 3. Patent and Software Copyrights to demonstrate my leadership in the growth of a product-led digital technology company

Product introduction, my invention patent and two software copyrights, and my contribution.

MC 4. Reference letter from a Digital Expert who is my client

OC1 1. Patent

I explained my contribution, solution description, process flow diagram, proof of product in the market by showing recent revenue breakdown, shareholder agreement.

OC1 2. Innovative Product A

Media report of the product (my name is not mentioned), an Email I sent to the client regarding the system diagram, list of innovations, proof of product in the market by showing contract in 2023 (price is included), shareholder agreement.

OC3 1. Technical Impact of SaaS Product

Media report about the product in 2020: the enterprise clients number and the transaction volume.
Screenshot of the product.
Platform real-time dash board.
Two screenshots of two Platform Architecture Diagram from Confluence. One diagram was drawn in 2016, and the other in 2020. I explained the tech stack and the technological advancements of the new architecture.

OC3 2. Technical Impact of Product B

Product dashboard to show the transaction amount.
Screenshot of the product and media report of a marketing program regarding Product B
Platform technical solution doc screenshot with my name on the first page.

OC3 3. Description of My Role and Impact

This letter is provided by the startup, not by any individuals, and explains my role, contributions, and the organizational chart.


  1. PS. in terms of my plan in the UK, how specific it should be? There are any options to explore and I don’t have specific one. I have worked at a UK company 10 months and will join another company soon. I also plan to set up a new business in XX sector in the future, but I don’t have specific timeline. In other reference letters, my potential contribution to the UK is mentioned also in a very generic way.

  2. Do I need to provide evidence to support the statement of LoR2_CTO of the UK company? As I my contribution was limited, the evidence is not that strong.

  3. In terms of commercial success, is the annual revenue of 0.6 million GBP a successful business?

  4. In the past 5 years, I spent almost 3 years in the UK. My significant impact is done before I came to the UK. Will it weaken my application?

Why are you opening a new thread?

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Hi Francisca, thank you for your reminder. I did not know the rule. Should I remove this one and add it into my previous thread?

Please keep a single thread.

It has been added to Should three LoRs all talk about the impact from the last 5 years?