Mentorship evidence guidance

Hey everyone,

I’m hoping to get some advice if my artifacts would qualify as solid evidence for the mentorship section of an application. I’ve been a mentor for a structured program at a university in India for two years, where I gave multiple talks and guest lectures in Cybersecurity. I have an endorsed letter from professor there that confirms my involvement and mentions that students have got job offers and enter cyber industry because of those efforts. I’ve also attached a few photos of me teaching students as well.

I also have letters from professors at four other universities (Australia & Europe), but those are more like thank-you letters for one-off guest lectures, so they don’t really mention mentorship.

Do you think this will be enough? Appreciate any insights!

Hi @pbb27 are these talks and guest lectures or are you mentoring as part of a structured program that requires selection?

What is the audience like? And how many?

Mentorship is for students which is a dedicated “Industry connect porogram” where I was the senior mentor guiding students to enter cybersecurity industry & also guide them through mock interviews. This included talks and lectures over the period of 2 years. This is mentioned in the letter by the professor.

Also the other letters are about the one-off guest lectures but these letters are from prestigious universities in Australia & Europe.

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Are these graduate students or post graduate?

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It was for undergrad students.

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Should work if it’s a structured program and you can get a letter plus show selection/your mentor listing etc

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