MC evidence as an expert reviewer

Happy Friday everyone!

I am in the process of creating a MC document showing my expert role as a reviewer for top international conferences and journals in computer science. In the document, I’ve listed the screenshots of 6 email invitations I’ve received during the last 5 years from editors of top conference venues. I’ve also included the impact factor of these conferences to justify their international reputation and impact. BTW, one of my LoR and one research support letter also speak about my active role in reviewing for these conferences

Do you think the email screenshots on their own are sufficient to provide enough evidence as an expert reviewer?

(For context: my list of documents are listed here)

@Francisca_Chiedu @pahuja @May @hsafra @LizzyOrji @mahdibeee @AlexBlack

I did provide the screenshots of the email but apart from that the elsevier dashboard and certificate as well. Doesnt the journal provide a cert maybe? However how many articles have you reviewed? Is it consisten throughout the years?

If its not, I would douvt providing them as one evidence.

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How many conferences did you participate in out of those invites? Are there pictures of your participation, testimonials, letter of appreciation?

What do you mean by you “reviewed” conferences?

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Unfortunately, we don’t get any certificates for the reviewing work. Over the past 5 years, I’ve reviewed an average of 2 research papers per year. Prior to that, I was reviewing 4 to 5 articles annually.

What other evidences can I provide to justify it?

The email invitations were to provide expert commentary and review scientific and technical works from international conferences and journals. Each email screenshot correspond to an individual conference invitation. I participated in all of them

is this the email inviting you as well as "thank you " email? You need to prooe that you actually contributed to the review. You also need a track record of contributions.


I have both the emails for most of the conferences, so I can clearly provide evidence for my contributions. How can I demonstrate the track record apart from showing that I’ve been consistently invited and contributed based on email screenshots?

Additionally do you think this evidence on its own can stand for MC?

it could count if you see it as industry contribution