Mandory Evidence Review

Please community does this fly as Mandatory Evidence?
for You led the growth of a product-led digital technology company, product or team inside a digital technology company, as evidenced by reference letter(s) from leading industry expert(s) describing your work, or as evidenced by news clippings, lines of code from public repos or similar evidence

Content of the 3 paged file

  • Links to application on google playstore and apple store
  • Little bit of storytelling
  • Screenshot of me coding and showing the simulator side by side
  • Stripe dashboard metrics showing revenue

Idea is that for the document to be a 3 pager document i omitted the reference letter or can i just go ahead to add the reference letter as a separate document or evidence on it own ?

please help

It would be good to see your overall evidence outline in order to be able to fit this into context.
Re storytelling - unless it’s glossary or commentary explaining the details in the evidence, it doesn’t suit the purpose to add a story in the middle of a set of proofs. You have the letters and SOP for that.


The document outlines my significant role in developing and leading the growth of the mobile applications (two apps) as a Senior Full Stack Developer in 2023, detailing my responsibilities, the project’s impact, and key performance metrics achieved within the first year of launch.

But @gk_shan i get your point on the storytelling bit
Thanks for the insight

This is fine as long as you can show that the reach and impact of the apps are significant or industry leading.
Just to clarify - I meant overall evidence/docs summary. Your post highlights one of the 10 evidence pieces. Would be good to know how it fits amidst the 9 others in a summary.
To your point earlier on the ref letter, yes it can be an evidence on its own but the reviewers might not check external links and consider them as proofs on their own. I added screenshots and atteched links at the bottom to show source.

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Please when you say source do you mean the actual contact of the senior officer issuing the reference letter yeah?

Source as in the external links if available. For example if I show salaries on Glassdoor, I’d put the link below the screenshot to show the source. Hope this helps. Good luck with your application.

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Sorry @gk_shan please what do you think
i am in the process of running my second MC

and I plan to use this category “*You have received nationally or internationally *
recognised prizes or awards for excellence specifically i
*n the digital technology sector, as evidenced by the award *
itself, reference letter(s) from leading industry expert(s)
*describing your achievement, or as evidenced by news *
clippings or similar evidence

Document content

  • Story telling of how i got the awar
  • The actual award certificate
  • News clippings of the award

I also have the reference letter issued by the Awarding body

  1. its not directly being addressed to UK GTV
  2. Can i use this reference letter as a second evidence (there by making it 2 evidences for this section)

thanks in advance

Hi @bodfaj13 as per the official TN guidelines (Tech Nation Visa Guide - Tech Nation) all letters must be address to UK TN and written for the purpose of your application. Letters written for other purposes do not count as valid evidence for this application.


thank you @pahuja
i am grateful

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