Mandatory Criteria National or International Recognition how to prove for Promise?

In my research I have come across several rejection letter which say that the person applying could you justify/prove National or International Recognition even in Exception Promise category.

According to the Visa Guide an Exceptional Promise should

A ‘leader’ of exceptional talent (or promise) must show extraordinary ability by sustained (or emerging) national or international recognition. The individual will be able to demonstrate a level of expertise (or emerging expertise) which places them at the forefront of their respective field in the digital technology sector.

Someone who has only a couple of years of career in Digital Technology is unlikely to have a lot of media coverage, news clippings etc

How can you properly prove this?

From MC

I can prove this

Outside of your normal day-to-day job role, you led or were a significant contributor to a substantial open source project, as evidenced from compilation of code commit summaries, repo stars or similar metrics such as download statistics, where possible.

I have 5 WordPress plugins on the public/official open source WordPress plugin repository with 15,000+ active installs. A lot of support questions answered and plenty of reviews.

Second I can try for

You command a high salary or other remuneration for your services, as evidenced by commercial or employment contracts with salary information including any bonus and equity options and history of earnings.

I earn 40,000 pounds per year in the UK and according to payscale the average is 30,000. I

Lastly, I have a blog which gets 4000 visitors a month and some premium WordPress plugins which have yearly memberships. They are making $400-$500 in revenue per month for me.

I don’t know if I can use them in any of the Mandatory Criteria. Any suggestion please!

I see there are a couple of MC examples which state commercial success or growth of project led company but they state in the end that to prove you need reference letters. How am I supposed to get reference letters when I am the only person writing articles for the blog and adding new features and fixing bugs on the premium plugins.

hello, in my experience, reference letters when well written, are the best way for MC. You need to find someone who is a leader in the industry to write you a recommendation letter, could be a senior member of the WordPress community or someone who has benefited from the use of your plugins. However, this does not rule out the fact that you need a minimum of 2 evidence per category but the more the better for your application.

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Thank you for your comment. So you mean outside Recommendation Letters, the 3 Mandatory Recommendation letters I should get reference letters to prove MC.

So I will have 3 Recommendation Letters that are a must and then another reference letter which I will submit to prove MC so in total 4 letters. Is that right?

Yes, you can get another recommendation letter, You can also use one of the ones you have that fits the criteria

I don’t know what your current role is and which country you’re based but if you’re measuring by UK income, 40,000 pounds doesn’t sound like it’s on the high side to satisfy MC.

According to 2023 Tech Nation, average salary in UK for tech roles is around 50, 000 Euros.
So I’ll carefully consider if it’s worth using as evidence for MC.

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You are generalizing all tech roles here. You can’t compare the salaries for the latest trending technology to something older such as PHP.

According to Pyscale the average Salary is only 30,000

Also according to the below 40,000 is in the 76th percentile.

Could you please share where Tech Nation has shared their average salary for Tech Roles? Also it would have to depend on the location as well. 50,000 in London is worse than 45,000 in Manchester in my opinion.

Edit: I just read my message and I am sorry it sounds rude. I am not being rude and that is not my intention. I am just looking for opinion and help here. Thanks

Edit2: Also just to clarify I am aiming from promising talent and not global talent. My first job working as a Software Developer as part of a company was in August 2021. Before that I was doing a Masters degree and before that working in customer support and only spending my free time on development of WordPress plugins.