Mandatory Criteria - Digital growth of a nonprofit

Hi Community,

I would like to understand about the point - You led the growth of a non-profit organisation or social enterprise with a specific focus on the digital technology sector, as evidenced by reference letter(s) from leading industry expert(s) describing your work, or as evidenced by news clippings or similar evidence.

Does the non-profit have to be a digital product-led company? Or can it be in any sector and the criteria is all about how the applicant has helped the non-profit to grow with digital products/ digital tech?

Thanks for the help.


As far as i understand, Does the non-profit have to be a digital product-led company? Or can it be in any sector and the criteria is all about how the applicant has helped the non-profit to grow with digital products/ digital tech?

its about how you helped the non profit to grow with digital products…

If you have involved in Govt tech initiatives projects or you helped any tech hubs try including those as well, as the reach and impact of those usually to larger communities.