Looking for advice on the "product-led" stipulation

Hi, everyone. I was hoping to get some advice — thanks in advance for reading! It’s a pretty specific question, so apologies in advance.

I’m Canadian and planning on applying for the visa under exceptional promise in a year or so, and am trying to make sure I’m in the best position to do so when that time comes. My background is in media; mostly journalism, but I worked in audience development (which is basically what the news industry calls marketing) for a few years, so I’ll apply as a marketer. I’ve been offered a job as Head of Content Marketing at a startup that I’d like to take, but I want to make sure it aligns with what Tech Nation is looking for.

My question related to the stipulation that the company be “product-led”, with a service/product/platform/hardware as their “primary revenue source”. The company has several different entities, all registered as independent companies. I’d be primarily working on an AI-driven app they’re developing, but holistically, the company’s main revenue source is a tech-focused conference it puts on in London. I’m worried about signing up to work at a company that isn’t “product-driven” enough because their most popular offering/what they’re known for is this conference. Does anyone have any insight or opinions on what Tech Nation would think about this? Does it matter that the app and events are registered under different companies, or will Tech Nation look at their website and infer that it’s all events-focused? And is there any way I can argue that a conference is a product, if that is the case? (Or am I being too paranoid about all of this? Ha!)

Thanks for any advice – I’d greatly appreciate it!
