Letters of recommendation - referee background

Hello, does anyone know if there needs to be a substantial section in the LoR explaining who the referee is/their professional qualifications/background?

Or is it enough to just say they are “the CTO of x company” and how they know the applicant.

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Hi @g.g,

According to the guide; I am not sure Tech Nation made it a rule.

Three letters of recommendation from three different well-established individuals acknowledged as experts in the digital technology field, with detailed knowledge of your work over a period of 12 months or more, supporting your Global Talent application, which include all of the following:

Each person who writes a letter for you must:

  • Be a senior member of their organisation
  • Know your work

Each letter must:

  • Be about your Global Talent application - you cannot use a letter that was written for another reason
  • Explain how the author knows the applicant; and
  • Knows the applicant’s achievements in the relevant field; and
  • How the author considers the applicant shows exceptional talent or promise; and
  • the contribution the applicant would make to the UK digital economy.

The letters must also:

  • Be typed and dated
  • Be up to 3 single sides of A4 paper, excluding the author’s credentials and contact details
  • Be signed by the author, or by someone on behalf of the organisation recommending you
  • Include a telephone number and email address, and the organisation’s logo and registered address, if applicable
  • Come with the author’s CV (or other proof of their credentials that the endorsing body will accept)

However, my advice would be to dedicate a paragraph or a few lines to introduce the author (though the author’s CV is there to do justice to this). It might just help give a better understanding of who is writing and what angle they are writing from.

I am also preparing to apply by January 2024.


There’s nothing wrong with your recommenders giving a brief background about themselves to demonstrate they are expert and qualified to provide you a recommendation.

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What of if the author is a high profile MD that might be difficult to obtain a CV from? An example is an MD of a Multi-national, what else can be used as an acceptable alternative?

Linkedin profile should be fine

OK…thanks so much. I will include the LinkedIn profile, though i thought about the option earlier.