[ - Kindly Review Request - ] Global Talent Application

Hi Friends, :innocent:

I will apply for the Global Talent, i would be very happy if you please review my application strategy.

I’m a software developer for 10 years. I mostly worked on eCommerce systems which you can buy services or items online. Payment, invoicing etc. So i will go with the finTech route.

I have developed & leaded some important Projects on my previous company (i was an employee of a global big finance instution). Projects are still live and making around $500k profit per month.

I have found a critical bug in one of the biggest tech company’s cloud services, and this news published globally on various news sites.

Am currently working at a company that is the technology arm of a major market-leading brand. Recently we went #1 on the app store for couple days.

I have a masters degree with a good GPA in MIS, recently took some courses (2 AWS,1 GoLang) , dont know i can use them or not…

My documents will be like,

1 – CEO of a global company (was a Executive Director – Board Member at my previous company)
2- Board Member of my previous company
3- CTO of my current company
Note: 1 and 2 are not working in the same company right now

1- Document & links of my news on the global media (about the security vulnerability i found)
2- High salary + employement contract.
3- One of my projects i did in my previous company. (incomes 400k$ per month)

OC 1
1- I dont know it counts or not, i’m a founder of a game platform. This is not a company, but an online project. You can play sports game with using cryptocurrency. There is a lot of users, but i can’t prove the income since it benefits from blockchain. (Its in top 5 in its category)

OC 2
1- My stackoverflow profile
2- Letter about me mentoring people is acceptable ? From a good reference. There are places where I give advice and mentorship, but I can’t find any other evidence

OC 3
1- If OC1 not counts, maybe Project here,
2- Some other projects i did to improve the benefits & customers of my company. I will prepare them as maximum 2 pages, and for the evidence i will add reference letters at the 3rd page for each Project.


1- LORs will include my projects, can i reference them in OC3 as proof ? or i can ask for another letter from diffrent employee and add that letter to end of the document.

2- OC2, 2.nd option acceptable?

3- OC1, 1st option acceptable?

4- How you add your salary, i mean letter from HR of my company is enough ? or i need to show the bank transactions as well.

5- How & where you add the reference’s CVs. Are they also count as a page? For example if i prepare a 2 page project document and add a reference letter from someone on the 3rd page, where i will add the CV ? Also same question for the LORs, do i have to scan it and add as a page into the pdf and add the CV end of the LOR ?

Anyone who read & commented , THANKS ! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Most of the things looks good to me and i believe how you draft those in your personal statement etc is key.

Points to remember - your gaming tech company are you planning to expand your business in the UK - if you are thinking on those lines, you do mention usp of that product and existing popularity in your current country.

Bug you found - was this part of any hackathon event, if so add as much details as possible, same think about its impact in terms of what if you didnt find the bug, loss that company might had, £ apprx it saved for them etc…


Thanks Vicky for your response,

Gaming project is not a company its a web project which is live & getting played by many users right now.

About the bug i found, it was not a hackathon event, i just found it by myself while using the service and reported to the company. Thank you for your advice, that would cause loss of a huge amount of money if that was manipulated by malicious people, i will add that too.

One more question,
I know someone who is living in UK & have a company there. He wants me to manage all his IT stuff (by external billing) if i can go there. A letter about this would help or not ? If so, where should i place this letter in my documents ? After my personal statement ?

Thank you


How big is that company? Is it a digital tech company? If you are planning to work as a consultant (initial occupation whilst you are here), you can put that in personal statement… If that company is in digital space and you are planning to use as any criteria ;make sure in the reference letter they mention their intention to hire you as a consultant because they know your work… Expertise… Impact it will have having you onboard. Having said that if the person/company that we are talking about doenst have digital presence or if its kind of a umbrella company ( because anyone can start business in the UK and it is very easy to register in company house) or if he is not well known /digital leader then STRICT NO.

It’s not a big company, he is a construction engineer but he had very successful deals in UK. So i guess i shouldn’t add his letter. Thank you Vicky :innocent:

I still need answers for my questions at the first message, if anyone can help ?