Kindly Review: Exceptional Promise Application (Business Applicant)

Hi everyone!

This forum has been an incredibly valuable source of information for me. Thank you for everyone’s contributions. I’d like to ask this community for feedback on my draft intended application for Exceptional Promise (Business-focused).

Any feedback is welcomed and would be appreciated.

I am a former engineer now working as the Commercial Director at an award-winning Series A-stage London-based PropTech startup, where I have been leading corporate & strategy development, capital raising, geographic expansion, and product commercialisation for the past 2.5 years. The company digitizes the customer journey for businesses launching their own retail stores, democratising access to physical stores and targeting digitally-native brands. I was employee number 7 when I joined in 2020 and now we have 32 employees. Prior to joining the company, I completed my MBA at the University of Oxford after having worked at a leading infrastructure/construction company in my home country as an engineer and project manager for just over 5 years. I’m currently on a Skilled Worker visa.


LOR1: CEO of the company where I currently work. He is a second-time tech startup founder who has won several awards and has presented our work at many high-profile industry events. This LOR will include a reference to my leading role in capital raising (more than £4m).
LOR2: Non-Executive Director and Board member of the company where I currently work. He is the former CTO of two listed UK retail chains and a respective digital technology leader. This LOR will refer to my leadership and business skills and my role as company secretary and board observer.
LOR3: Corporate Partner at a leading UK law practice specialising in technology and venture capital. This LOR will refer to my role in protecting the company’s intellectual property and involvement in capital raising and negotiations with investors and my related legal & commercial know-how.

MANDATORY CRITERIA: How do I demonstrate that I have been recognised as (or recognised as having the potential to be) a leading talent in the digital technology sector in the last 5 years?

Evidence 1: Reference letter from MBA Programme Manager at the University of Oxford referencing the scholarship I was awarded, my distinctions in subjects focussing on entrepreneurship and digital businesses and my inclusion in an internship programme supporting SMEs in the UK.

Evidence 2: Letter from our Finance Director confirming my position in the company and my compensation information, including my shares and share options in the company (I have the most share options of any employee and I’m the 2nd highest paid employee).

Evidence 3: Photos and communication evidencing my involvement as a speaker/panellist at industry events. The first was a startup-focused conference with more than 300 attendees and the second was an exclusive industry round table attended by experts and academics.

OPTIONAL CRITERIA 1: How do I demonstrate that I have a proven track record or examples of innovation in the digital technology sector as a founder or senior executive of a product-led digital technology company or an employee working in a new digital field or concept?

Evidence 4 (this could be subdivided): Current company information validated by Finance Director - historical & projected financial performance, articles of association, trademarks, capital raised to date (more than £4m), etc.

Evidence 5 (this could be subdivided): Current company information - several international accolades awarded to the company, the inclusion in leading tech accelerator programmes, and high-profile media articles featuring the company.

Evidence 2: Letter from our Finance Director confirming my position in the company and my compensation information, including my shares and share options in the company (I have the most share options of any employee and I’m the 2nd highest paid employee).

OPTIONAL CRITERIA 3: How do I demonstrate that I have made significant technical, commercial or entrepreneurial contributions to the field as a founder, senior executive, board member or employee of a product-led digital technology company?

Evidence 6: Company information validated by Finance Director - deals I have closed with LSE-listed companies and the resulting revenue the company has earned (more than £500,000) from these as well as the pipeline of deals my team has built.

Evidence 7: Product commercialisation planning, including a successful first-stage £700,000 grant application (which I led) from the European Innovation Council for the development of our data intelligence platform.

Optional additional experience I can include evidence on: During my time at Oxford, I co-founded a WealthTech startup. We launched an MVP and signed up 30 paying customers, but due to restrictions of the Skilled Worker visa, I could no longer work on this business and had to put it on pause when I joined the company I am currently working for.

PERSONAL STATEMENT SUMMARY: As an engineer, I became passionate about the value digital technology solutions can deliver for businesses. I realised I had a much stronger interest in the business side than the technical side, but realised I needed to improve my business knowledge & skills. I then completed the MBA at Oxford whereafter which I joined a digital technology company in London. I want to launch my own digital technology business in the UK in the next 2-3 years.


I would love to hear your thoughts @Francisca_Chiedu @Jazeb

Aside your first recommender, i don’t think the other two are strong enough especially the corporate partner, tech nation guide states they must be individuals acknowledged as experts in the digital technology field.
For the mandatory criteria, I am not sure how your degree scholarship meat the criteria. Also your evidence does not show how you have demonstrated innovation?

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Hi @Migael - Did you end up applying? Would love to hear about how it went. I have a similar profile and would appreciate any guidance. Thanks!

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Yes I applied and received my endorsement in February. Have you applied? @r_C

Hello Everyone,

I would like everyone’s contribution, review, and critique of my application as an exceptional promise applicant (Business Applicant)

Professional Summary:

I worked for four years in the financial industry as a sales professional before my career transition into technology sales in 2019 as a Technology Salesperson (Lead, Business Development) of a software company in Nigeria.

I started my career as a Technology Salesperson in 2019. I am currently a Team Lead of Account Management of one of the largest e-commerce companies in Nigeria.

Letters of Recommendation:

LoR 1: Head of Commercial (Direct Line Manager) of my current company, he reports directly to the CEO as the HR Department could only give a letter of introduction without speaking to my achievements/character reference.

LoR 2: My Previous Company, The Former Country Manager who left the company after 4 months that I joined the company. She now owns her firms but we kept in touch even before my interest in this VISA process. It is a Japanese-owned software company operating in Nigeria.

LoR 3: The LoR is from the Current CEO, He was a Finance assistant while I worked there; and spoke about my work and achievements.

Mandatory Criteria: Show they have been recognised as having the potential to be a leading talent in the digital technology sector in the last 5 years

Evidence 1: Screenshot in PDF Format of my last PPR at my current company with my line manager confirming my achievement in the course of H1, 2023.

Evidence 2: Screenshot in PDF Formats of PowerBI Data of the projects I made with significant achievements like growing the Gross Profits by 62% while improving operational parameters with KPI clearing shown.

Optional Criteria 2: A proof of recognition for work beyond the applicant’s occupation that contributes to the advancement of the field

OR2 a: A Reference Letter from a childhood friend who founded a YC-backed firm whom I leaned on when I started an e-commerce platform for guidance in 2022. I went to the same secondary school with him and he also got me a job in 2017 when my first attempt at entrepreneurship failed.

OR2 b: CAC Certificate and registration of the Business with my younger brother, the company is no longer operational but we started in 2022 and closed shop earlier in 2023.

Optional Criteria 3: Have made significant technical, commercial, or entrepreneurial contributions to the field as a founder or employee of a product-led digital technology company

OR3 a: Letter from one of my internationally recognizable accounts in my current employment who confirmed my impact on their financials and operations.

OR 3 b: Letter of Introduction from my current Human resource department detailing my job descriptions (Remember they started they cannot give character reference)

Personal Motivation Letter:

This speaks about my decision to move into technology sales in 2019, my achievements since 2019 until my current position, and my decision to grow into a more technical role in the Technology industry by starting Google certification in data analysis to leave Tech Sales and eventually becoming a Big Data Specialist.
I also stated why UK and my intention to grow my work experience and contact first in the UK Business community before eventually starting a tech firm in the UK.

Please kindly share your thoughts and advice.

Thank you, All.

@Francisca_Chiedu @Edg

You do not have sufficient evidence to meet the criteria.
LIR1 Head of commercial. Is this person a known expert in the digital technology sector. You need to look up their public profile to see if they are qualified to recommend you.
LOR2, the person knew you for just 4 months, tech nation requires that they know you for at least 12 months.
LOR3, current CEO was finance assistant, I doubt that this person will be considered an expert in the field of digital technology. Anybody can be a CEO but for you need someone regarded as an expert in the field.
The two evidence you listed for mandatory criteria do not demonstrate you are a recognised leader in the sector.

For optional criteria two, the evidence doesn’t show how you have contributed to the sector, besides you can’t get a reference from your friend. It’s stated in the guide.

Hello Francisca, Thank you for the comments shared, I will work to gather more evidence to support my application.

For the Mandatory Criteria: I thought the evidence should show how I have been recognised as having potential to be a leading talent and not leader in the digital technology sector in the last 5 years.

As regards LoR 1: Please help check if the below publication count as a Public Profile.

Thank you.

No. Public profile in my opinion are online information over a period of time that shows the applicant or recommender as a leader or expert in the field.

Thank you. @Francisca_Chiedu This is noted, Is a Letter from Head of HR from the company acceptable if I push harder for it?

Also, help me clarify the comment on the MC, I thought the evidence should show how I have been recognised as having potential to be a leading talent and not leader in the digital technology sector in the last 5 years.

Thank you.

A letter from HR describing you significant contribution, it should be from a senior person in the organisation.

Thank you, @Francisca_Chiedu