Hi all,
I am currently about to retry my application for endorsement. My first attempt (Rejected - Exceptional Promise was rejected even after appeal.
After taking a step back and looking through my evidence, I realize I could have put forth a much stronger application, I have just finished compiling my evidence so I’d appreciate feedback before submitting an application
My application
My recommendation letters are as follows:
Current manager (Director Of Engineering) at a popular social media company (let’s call it company A), talking about achievements in my team and some of the work outside of normal duties (interviewing candidates, mentoring new hires).
Previous manager from same company A, (Engineering Manager, Ex-FAANG, 15 years exp but no longer at company A), talking about achievements in my team and some of the work outside of normal duties (interviewing candidates, mentoring new hires).
Staff SWE + Tech Lead at FAANG (Mentor, was a mentor as part of a structured mentorship program organized by FAANG company, also a guest lecturer at Uni Of Oxford, Has given ted talks)
Mandatory Criteria
1. Evidence of high earnings.pdf
Contains current salary, bonuses, and equity at current company. Discusses how this compares to the average in the UK (significantly higher). Also contains the salary earned at a previous company. I also added screenshots of FAANG offers I had gotten that offered > GBP 100k (stock + base + bonus)
2. Academic Track Record
First class (and only first class in class) in STEM Bsc, 3 diff scholarships while in uni, evidence of being reached out to by recruiters while in college + a letter from a former lecturer (Ph.D. software eng, with some citations + significant industry exp) discussing some of these things above
3. Open source contributions + Stack overflow
4th highest contributor to an open source project with 10k stars, with screenshots of some of my contributions from GitHub. Attached Reference letter from the Maintainer (CTO, Co-founder of AI startup, raised over $100M). Also added links to stack overflow (133k+ impacted devs)
4. Engagement with the UN + Worldbank
- I led a team to win a national hackathon organized by the UN + FAANG company in 2019 (evidenced by links on the official un.org site, and national newspapers). Went on a radio show to discuss what we built (the recording is linked also)
- Invited to the World bank HQ to speak about what we built at an annual event with 1.3k physical attendees (298k live stream attendees). I added letters from the UN that showed this invitation + pictures at the world bank
Optional Criteria 2 - How do I demonstrate that I have been recognized for my work outside of my immediate occupation that contributed to the advancement of the sector?
- Re Use MC3 on Open source contributions + Stack overflow
2. Won Hackathons & competitions
- Github hackathon I came 2nd in, + link to article on github.com, with my picture
- UN hackathon from MC4, re-discussed and referred to
- Robotics competition - led the team to compete & winning a robotics competition campuswide. Evidenced by links to media coverage in popular national papers, attached link to a video moving within the maze
3. Interest Group I Started During Covid
- I started a WhatsApp interest group focused on computer science and landing FAANG offers, we focused on interview prep and built a web tool for scheduling mock interviews among members (evidenced on the Github repo + website which is still live)
- Built a web tool that started a 30-day challenge to algorithm problems (evidenced by a screenshot of the group discussing these daily challenges + GitHub repo where I pushed solutions to these problems daily)
- Discussed the impact of this group, as many members landed jobs at FAANG and investment banks too
- During the group, we had people come to speak to members. Added link to slides from the presenter. Currently trying to get ref letter from one of the speakers then (SWE at FAANG)
Optional Criteria 3 — “How do I demonstrate that I have made a significant technical, commercial, or entrepreneurial contribution to the field as a founder, senior executive, board member, or employee of a product-led digital technology company?”
1. Reused MC1 salary evidence
Descriptions of my contribution to some projects I’ve worked on at my current company and impact + recognition received for this work.
- Impact includes $X, XXX daily increase in revenue and also an increase in engagement
- Recognition includes - Messages from folks commending work, perf review comments, comp increases
Descriptions of my contribution to some projects I’ve worked on at my previous company (fintech comp) and the impact of the work
Are 2 LoR from the same company (considering that LoR 2 has left the company also) a problem? I am considering asking someone else for LoR if this is a problem
In MC3, I added links to my stack overflow where I have written answers impacting over 133k users. However, this is with only 2 answers I have written. I believe this shows the high impact of the 2 answers but I am concerned TN may argue that the SO contributions are not consistent, like they did in my first application.
In MC4, I do not have a recording of the team’s panel where we spoke.
Is it okay to reuse evidence? I have seen samples of people doing this on this forum and still getting endorsed.
In OC2, Under 3, Is it too “informal” to use WhatsApp screenshots?
Please I’d appreciate feedback on any way I can strengthen my application and answers regarding the concerns above.
Thanks in advance!