Kindly help to review my promise application

I have been following this forum for a while and I have finally gathered the courage to apply as a Quality assurance engineer under the promise route.
I have up to 3 years experience.

Here are my evidences

Recommendation letter

  1. Letter from head of my team in my former company, we both don’t work there anymore.
  2. Letter from an engineering lead in a company in Australia that knows my work.
  3. Letter from Engineering lead of a company I worked with

For Mandatory Criteria
-You led the growth of a product led digital Company

  1. Reference letter from Company A describing my work and how I led the team and how I introduced the use of automation testing in the company
  2. Evidence of test documentation, my line of codes, Bug reports screenshot
  3. News clipping of the product performance in the market.
  4. Email from the company appreciating my contribution to the product and performance bonus.

-You command a high salary

  1. Employment letter with my salary information
  2. Performance bonus and promotion with salary increment
  3. My previous salary history
  4. Pay scale comparison on how it’s below average.

For OC1( Innovation)

  • Reference letter from Company B highlighting the introduction of new software testing technique.
  • A short note on why I introduced the technique to achieve better bug free product.
  • News clipping on the performance metrics of the product
    -Screenshots of my automation code
    -Test Case documentation and report

For OC3 (Impact)
-Employment letter stating me as the only QA engineer in the team

  • Email from the company stating increase in salary/Performance
    -Reference letter from the CTO of the company which is focused on my contribution to the products in the company and it’s impact
    -Growth metrics of the product (two of the products have been launched and they are doing well) and news clipping talking about the product.
  • Test Case documentation screenshots of some of the products I worked on.

Thank you.

PS: I have a little evidence of me tutoring some students but I don’t know where to fit it in because it’s not a structured program and the students are not up to 10.

@ask4jubad @Francisca_Chiedu @May @alexnk @alex_james

Hi @Zainab2021 .

You have done well to summon the courage to apply. I have seen less Quality Assurance applicants here. So, I would expect that that should make your application stand out.

Regarding the quoted segment, do you mean ABOVE average??

As I have come to find out in the latest update to the TN guide, you need at least 2 unique pieces of evidence for per criteria category i.e. you are limited on repeat evidences that you can use across the criteria. For instance, news clippings under your MC can’t be the same as those for your current OC3 as I see.

Additionally, for OC1, do you mean you came up with a new software testing technique that’s “novel” to the testing and assurance ecosystem or new only to your company? If it is the former, then we should be looking at a patent or at least, a publication (which I doubt it is). If it is the latter, I am afraid that may be considered as just simply doing what you are paid to do and not INNOVATION.

Also, you have more than 10 pieces of evidence now by my count.

I fear that most of your evidences are from “within” the organizations that you’ve worked.

I also have the feeling the your LoRs may not be considered strong (just my gut feeling) especially LoR1. Could you get one or two LoRs from an executive, e.g. CTO, CDO, CEO, Engrg Dir, instead?

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Thank you for the response

For the quoted salary, it’s supposed to be above average.
For the mandatory criteria and OC3, I have different evidences to show for both( they are two different companies)

For the OC1(Innovation), it’s new only to my company .

I will try to limit the number of evidences to 10

For the recommendation letters, I will get from the CTOs or CEOs then and I would like to ask if a VP (he is the second in command) can suffice.

Do you think my OC3 is okay if I’m not repeating evidences?

Can you help out on how best to prove innovation from my write up?

Thank you.

Great then

Also nice.

To be honest, I wouldn’t so much rely on this as INNOVATION

You must - maybe you combine those that are similar and try to see if you can come up with other support documents.

Yes! All the above are suitable to the extent that they are leaders in product-led or digital tech fields themselves.

I believe OC3 is good enough as in:

  1. Ref letter (should be somewhat detailed) + Email of salary increase
  2. Growth metrics + news clipping
  3. Test documentation exposé + screenshots

OC1 is pretty tough for two reasons; (i) it needs external agencies to get some form of validation e.g. media coverage, patent, publication or an external leader’s words (ii) it’s subject to the reviewer’s perception of “true” innovation. This is not to say that applying old methods to new domains cannot be considered innovation. It is just unlikely in your case since you have probably deployed conventional QA techniques in the tech space.

However, I still think that you have a good shot with what you currently have. There’s not so much more that you can add except you only repeat your increase in salary again as stated in the guide as a suitable example:

Thank you very much for the guidance.

I will work on everything you pointed out and repost before submission

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Hey @Zainab2021 , i am also a QA looking to follow the same steps as you . just wanted to ask did you succeed with your application?