Kindly assist to Review profile for Exceptional Promise

Good day all,

I plan on applying for the Tech Nation endorsement and I have put together some documents. I would appreciate some feedback on the outline and if everything is as it should be

About Me

  • Fintech Ops & Strategy Manager for over 2 years
  • Became country lead for another Fintech 8 months ago
  • MBA from UK university. Not living or working in the UK currently

Recommendation Letters from:

  • Managing Director of a digital lending fintech Nigeria (SME lending product)
  • CEO of the Fintech I worked with for 2 years (Micro lending product)
  • Managing Director of an e-commerce/online markeplace (commerce product)

Mandatory Criteria

  • Recommendation Letter 1 (listed above) -> emphasizes on my contributions as an employee in projects that generate 7 figure USD revenue annually and building the company several processes that has helped the company scale
  • Signed screenshots of Disbursal and Revenue reports to support the letter stated above
  • My shareholder agreement of my current employement (stock options)

Optional Criteria Evidence 1

  • Documentation of products deployments I contributed to
  • Link to the website
  • Signed screenshots of revenue and disbursals (same used for Mandatory Criteria)
  • News clippings of Series A raise with my picture on the headline (and other team members)

Optional Criteria Evidence 2

  • Offer letter salary + bonuses + benefits at current role
  • Signed screenshot of revenue, asset size growth, user count growth and revenue of current company since I joined

I will also appreciate suggestions on potential evidences I can submit to make the application stronger.

Thank you all

You don’t have strong evidence for the mandatory criteria. read the tech nation guide for examples. how does links to the website show innovation. Overall, you need to rework on your evidence, use tech nation examples as a guide.