Kindly assist to evaluate my profile for GTV (Exception Promise)

Hello beautiful people,

I am preparing my application for the GTV (Exceptional Promise), and would appreciate help with reviewing my profile and evidence.

I have recently finished a Masters Degree in Data Science and have been working as a Data Analyst/Scientist in the healthcare industry for about 2 years now. I am currently in the UK with my post-study work visa but would like to get on the GTV as my current visa does not contribute to my settlement.

In the last 2 years, I worked for two health-tech companies in the last two years, one in Nigeria and one here in the UK.

I achieved an award related to my master’s degree project in applied research and i this got me major media publications in December last year. I contribute to open source and have GitHub/Kaggle repositories to show for it.

Recommendation Letters

**Director of Operations at a fintech in Nigeria **

**Director at IT Services company in UK **

**CEO of an E-Learning company in UK **

**CTO of a health-tech company I worked at **

Personal Statement


Mandatory Evidence

Contract letter showing high salary at my current company (Afri-health) showing benefits and all income.

Glassdoor Screenshots to show income classification

Hackathon Certificate showing participation in UK tech Hackathon.

Optional Criteria 3

-Reference letter from a team member from one of the health-tech I worked at, expressing my contribution to their work.

  • Code extracts showing proof.

  • Powerpoint slides showing proof of project presentation.

Optional Criteria 4

-Award certificate relating to my research work. (Dr. George Moore)

-MSC in Data Science with applied research - Certificate (Distinction)

-Reference letter from my university research supervisor

I sincerely appreciate and look forward to any helpful feedback.

I think the evidence for your mandatory criteria is not sufficient. Based on rejected applications we have seen here, it appears that the salary evidence doesn’t carry a lot of weight. Hackathon certificate on it is own doesn’t look sufficient. Did you win the award, did you get funding from participating or it’s just a certificate of attendance? How does this show you have been recognised a leader?

Award relating to your MSc research may not count.


Hi @Chizube_Chikezie ,

You are doing an amazing work.

It seems that you are shying away from the real thing. I checked you out on google and came across your media mention on the Derry Journal. Why is that nowhere in your application? In fact, it seems that you put all the good stuff suitable equally for MC in OC4.

Please include evidence of the media, the one from your school as well as analytics about the media audience here:

I am aware that you have published your independent research on, find a way to include it under OC4.


Hello Jubad,

Thank you so much for this feedback. You have just given me the hope I needed.

I will act on this and come back here with good news. God willing…Fingers crossed.

Best regards,
Chizube Chikezie


Your OC4 doesn’t look strong as most of the evidence point to the work done as part of your Masters which is not sufficient. Tech Nation guideline specifically states that:

Research undertaken as part of an undergraduate or MSc thesis does not qualify for this criteria

Remember to clearly explain any research that was done outside your Masters.

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@Chizube_Chikezie, @May’s comment is true.

I still do think though that, the impact of the work is worthy of mention. The research has real-life value and TN would not penalize you for adding such details alongside your other “strong”.

I believe that your current OC4 at least covers the following:

@May or do you have a different opinion? The caveat regarding “Research undertaken as part of an undergraduate or MSc thesis does not qualify for this criteria;” only relates to published work as I understand.

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