Job offer for global talent visa


Having a job offer is + if you are applying for global talent visa. Some people also attach job offer as supporting document. What if someone is already in UK and working in digital technology sector and want to switch to global talent visa? Will it help in improving application? Or can it be attached as supporting document in an application?

Usual disclaimer: I am not a lawyer and it is not legal advice. Neither I work for Tech Nation or represent Tech Nation.

Having a job in the UK, by itself, does not seem to strengthen one’s application. If the job is high-profile, let’s say Principal Solution Architect in a successful startup, it might be a different story and it can help to get evidence for meeting eligibility criteria, but that would be true for any similar job outside of the UK.

Having a relevant job that pays reasonably well (i.e. indicating that you are well desired talent in the job market) definitely helps. I was working in the UK when I applied. I asked my company HR to issue a letter stating how long I have been working there, how much I am paid, and how much stock options I hold in the company.

ps: I am a TechNation visa alumnus.

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Thanks. Instead of asking letter from HR, can we just attached our offer letter and salary slips?

Yes, that can work - just be aware of the evidence size limit, you might need to use just extracts and not the whole document.

I did attach my offer letter as part of my evidence under the category of Research in Academics.