Is there any age limit to apply?

Is there any age limit to apply I’m 55?

I have 25 years of experience in Tech/Electrical/Electronics Business. Should I go for Exceptional Talent or Promise?


The guideline stipulates that if your experience is more than 5 years, you should go for exceptional talent. Thus, having 25 years of experience means that you should go for exceptional talent.

No age limit other than the age limit for the visa itself, which is adulthood (18)
You can go ahead and apply. Good Luck :slight_smile:

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Hi just to let you know that i am 39 and I applied and got endorsed for promise. I am a Talent with over 15 years in corporate but a promise less than 5 years in tech as I founded my own Startup which caused a disruption in my ecosystem.

May I get your successful application form if you don’t mind I’d like to refer what did you attach?