Is there a sample letter of recommendation (LORs) that we can look at?

Hi there.
I have recently been gathering all my documents for my application. Now, I need to gather my l LORs.
I was wondering if anyone is willing to share a sample LOR that got them in, so that I can know how to better structure my Letters of Recommendation?

Thank you.
Kind regards

Tech Nation is against LOR templating and very critical of LORs that evidence templating. Just ensure your LOR includes the necessary things as listed on the home office official page;

How the recommender knows you
Your work over a period of one year (atleast)
Why they think you are exceptional
How you will benefit from living in the UK
How the UK will benefit from you living in the UK
Your future plans


Thank you so much,
I’m grateful

In addition to the above comment, I found it helpful to provide my recommenders with a few bullets of the projects we worked on together and their impact to ensure that’s fresh in their mind. This is because I was asking for recommendations from folks in the C-Suite who are super busy. I found that this helped their structure their thoughts to meet the above criteria, while still allowing them to draft the letter themselves.