Is my profile good enough to apply for the visa?

Hi everyone,

I heard of the Global talent visa a year ago and I looking forward to applying next year.

I have a masters in Data science but work a Data analyst (contract roles), i have been reading about agencies and outsourcing workers rejected does this also mean I might be rejected?

Also, how would you suggest I build my profile to meet the requirements. Thank you.

Based on various blogs [1,2], youtube videos [3,4] and this forum, I feel 1 year should be good enough time frame for you to purpose build your profile to be eligible for Exceptional Promise [given <5 YoE]

2. My Experience Switching from Tier 2 to Tier 1 Tech Nation UK Visa in 2020

I believe having a full-time offer definitely helps. And chances of reject increase with contract jobs. So if you can switch to a full-time Data Scientist role [given your Masters degree] that’ll definitely help your profile. Just my opinion.

Really depends where you stand right now, in terms of the requirements.

I’d approach it this way - Take a look through the tech-nation official guide Global Talent Visa | Tech Nation [re-read it since it’s a lot at first glance]. Build your packet [10 evidence + 3 recommendation letter + CV + personal statement] and see what’s missing. Work backwards from there to fill those missing gaps. Tech nation visa alumni network [this forum] will help you along the way with specific questions you have. Hope this helps.

Thank you @Chaitanya_Bapat