Inquiry Regarding Global Talent Visa: Duration of Stay Outside the UK

I’m reaching out to inquire about the duration permitted for stays outside the UK on the Global Talent Visa. While I’m aware of the general guideline suggesting a maximum absence of around 6 months, I’m seeking clarification regarding extended stays.

Has anyone here resided outside the UK for more than three months in a single visit? Additionally, I’m curious if there are any specific procedures or notifications required by the Home Office when leaving the UK, such as written notifications. Furthermore, has anyone encountered any issues or challenges upon reentry at UK airports?

Your insights and experiences would be greatly appreciated.

You do not need to notify the home office when you live. If you are away for 3months it is still within the 180 days allowable absence.

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If you possess a Global Talent visa and aim to qualify for indefinite leave to remain (ILR), it’s crucial to ensure that you don’t spend more than 180 days outside the UK within any consecutive 12-month period during your continuous leave period. For stays longer than 3 months outside the UK on a Global Talent Visa, it may be best to inform the Home Office in advance or keep evidence of your reason for long periods of absence for your ILR application.