Incomplete Pieces of evidence for Exceptional Promise

Hello everyone, I need your input on my application, specifically on the evidence. Currently, I have 9 pieces of evidence MC (5), OC2 (2) and 0C3 (2) and I’m struggling to figure out what the 10th piece would be about, without having to repeat one of the examples I’ve used. Will 9 pieces of evidence suffice?

For context - I am a product manager of a Civic Tech organisation with several civic tech products including tools, platforms etc. I currently manage 6 of these products, including an online harassment tool we launched this year in partnership with Google. I have three years experience in a product-led organisation. Therefore, I am applying for the Exceptional promise (Business) category.

This is how I have arranged my pieces of evidence:

Three recommendation letters from CEOs and Directors of Three Civic tech companies, they have collaborated with my organisation on projects in the past five years and are familiar with our products and my work.

Mandatory Criteria (5 pieces of evidence)

  1. You led the growth of a product-led digital technology company, product or team inside a digital technology company, as evidenced by reference letter(s) from leading industry expert(s) describing your work, or as evidenced by news clippings, lines of code from public repos or similar evidence.

a. I provided evidence of managing six products, including links and screenshots of each product, as well as media mentions of these products.

b. Spotlighted the online harrassment tool in this piece of evidence, including adding analytics and media mentions. Additionally, I added LoR from an external partner, a digital strategist who I collaborated with in designing the tool.

  1. You led the marketing or business development at a product-led digital technology company.
    a. Proof revenue contribution, including screenshots of contracts etc

  2. You led the growth of a non-profit organisation or social enterprise

a. Screenshots of media mentions and articles showcasing my work in a digital tech non-profit

  1. Published material in professional or major trade publications or major media about the applicant related to the applicant’s work in the digital technology sector.

a. A document highlighting my contribution to the Digital News Report for 2022 and 2023, with screenshots, links to the publications with my name showing as the author and the media mentions.

Optional Criteria 2: (2 pieces of evidence)

  1. Talks or conference speaking that have had a significant viewership.

a. I provided 5 examples civic tech conferences that I have attended as a speaker and moderator, including number of attendees, links to YouTube videos and screenshots of thank you notes

  1. Evidence of mentorship must be for activity outside the applicant’s organisation or normal course of work duties
    a. Provided three examples of structured mentorship programs I have been invited to to provide coaching and a LoR from one of the organisers.

OPTIONAL 3 (2 pieces of evidence)

  1. Employment contract containing salary information including any bonus and equity options

a. I provided screenshots of my employment contract showing my salary info

  1. Letter from an employer wherever applicable

a. Reference letter from an executive member of my organisation

In total, I have 9 pieces of evidence, each piece is 3-page long.

I would appreciate your feedback. Thanks
@Francisca_Chiedu @alexnk

You are allowed to submit a maximum of 10 pieces of evidence. You may choose to submit fewer than 10. Good luck!

Thank you for your feedback

In my opinion I think you have a good combination of evidence.
To answer your question, yes you can have 9 evidences. You can choose to have a cover letter as the 10th evidence should I case you want to exhaust the document list. The cover letter can shed more light on the (9) evidences you’ve provided so far.

However, I believe your OC3 might need to be stronger. OC3 is more concerned with the “intimate knowledge” of what you’re involved with. Anything that gives a metrics in what has been done so far would be a good choice. So this could be metrics of what can be directly related to you in one or more of the products that was shown in your MC.

As long as these metrics are unique for each criteria, you’re good to go.

Wish you the best here!


I agree with @Fisayo_Obilaja here.

Here are my comments:

  • Your MC evidence seem to be extensive. If you are confident in MC, you may be able to create more detailed evidence from some of the performance-related evidence to OC3 which is too weak at the moment. For instance, Proof revenue contribution.
  • OC2: Evidence of mentorship
    Ensure that you focus to make the strong and detailed evidence from 1-3 events, while you can leave the rest with fewer details in the case of limited space, just to ensure this piece of evidence will pass the assessment. It could be better than too generic or not-enough-detail evidence of 5 events. Otherwise, break them down to 2 separate evidence if you need to.
  • OC3: It is quite weak here. Letter from employer could be a good supporting evidence to your own evidence. In this case, do create your own evidence to make MC3 stronger.
  • The employment contract does not demonstrate your business impact from your role. It just proves that you have worked there only.

I hope this helps @Tolulope_Owajoba

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These are great feedbacks @Fisayo_Obilaja @alexnk Much appreciated! :raised_hands: I can add an evidence to OC3 focusing on one or two of the civic products and highlighting impacts, including growth generation, revenue contribution related to these products, etc. Would that work?

thank you

Nine evidence is sufficient for promising. Hower, it appears you have more than 9 evidence. Why are you merging 5 conferences as one single evidence? Also I would prioritise putting your media recognition on the top as evidence of the product built are mostly self-authored, also your contribution to digital report shows your thought-leadership in the sector, it should also be top on the list of MC, also add one of your conference speaking in MC, do so if this are high profile or specialist event in your field. I think you have the potential, you just needs to put your evidence well. Prioritise evidence that could be easily verified online and third party evidence.


Fantastic! Thank you @Francisca_Chiedu for your feedback. I will restructure my evidence and aligned them well. Thanks

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Hello @Tolulope_Owajoba did you later get endorsed?