I work for a Nigerian company that pays me less than 500k a month. Can I still apply?

Hello friends, so I have all the requirements for the tech nation visa except that I have never earned more than 400,000 naira as I work in Nigeria.

Can I still apply?

Salary’s one of the requirements. If you are not strong on the salaries front, use another criterion for your mandatory/optional.

With that said, they don’t look only at your base salary. Equity, bonuses can be added to show you are a global talent. If these are also not impressive, then, strike out your remuneration from your application and build your application on other criteria that makes you look good.


Owh. I guess I didn’t see that. Thank you.

I have a lot of community contributions, a lot of tech groups I lead and a lot of achievements as well.

I’d use all of that instead. I was initially dragging feet because of the salary ish but I would proceed now.

You don’t have to put your salary at all if you have other evidences. Besides, you can do a comparison and see that your salary is actually high for your industry and level.

It’s actually low for my level and the work I do.

But I’d just exclude it.

I’ll advise you not to add anything that won’t help your case. Focus on your strengths only

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