I am lost on Letters of recommendation, Please help

Hello All,
I am in the process of applying for a Tech Nation endorsement. However, I am having some challenges as to the true picture of some documentations required.

Having read through the tech nation visa guide and also experiences of wonderful people on this platform, which of course has being of immense assistance, please I will like to ask the following questions.

  1. How many Letters of recommendation is required? is it 2 or 3. On the tech nation visa guide, I saw 2 while on this platform, I have read the testimonies of successful applicants who said, they submitted 3 LoR

  2. Also, Please can software web apps be used as part of the 10 pieces of document? If so, do I have to submit the links to my source code or a demo link of the webapp?

Thank you all

Hello @Timtimothy

I am not sure if you are having the right technation guide link or not. its been always 3 letters of recommendation.

best of luck

To answer your question

  1. You are required to provide 3 mandatory recommendation letters. There’s no where in the tech nation guide where it is mentioned to provide 2 recommendation letters. Please read them again

  2. If the software web apps are open source i.e a functioning productivity website with active users, app on playstore with significant number of downloads, github repo with a high number of stars, you can provide the screenshot showing the numbers and a link to the app. Again read the guide. These things were mentioned there

Thanks @Maya, I appreciate your response.

Thanks for your response.
As for the apps, these are web apps that are not available on play store since they are not mobile apps, however can I screenshot the list of our clients as installed for each of them on AWS or make a list of each client’s portal or the web links?
I needed to get this clear please

I am not sure such an evidence would be acceptable, as evidence of software that you developed outside your day to day employment need to be publicly verifiable in some way and with significant metrics to show its usability (downloads, stars etc)
If the app was also developed as part of a freelance activity, it is ineligible as well.

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