How much experience required?

Hi, I am from Pakistan

I have 2 years of professional experience as a Software Developer and I am doing job during my bachelors. Will the experience count before my graduation or it will be consider only 1 year of Professional experience?

I have done lots of projects in different technologies with three different organizations, basically I’m Mobile and Backend Developer and my most popular app is Tasdeeq Pakistan, you can check it on playstore & aapstore.

I’m good at programming and I’m comfortable to learn new technologies more easily.

My questions is that, I am eligible for global talent visa due to this short experience or not ??

Please guide me I want to move to UK without IELTs and this is the only Visa

WhatsApp me: +923352426258

Thanks & Best Regards,

Hi @Fazeel_Ahmed - welcome to the forum. The respondents on this forum are typically volunteers who often have full time jobs. It is going to be hard for anyone to start WhatsApping candidates and provide 1-1 inputs. Please do the due diligence and read through other posts. Cases similar to yours have been raised before on the forum and answered - so you should get ample information. If you have specific questions after you read through the posts, then please feel free to post.

All the best!


Thank you for your reply but I didn’t find any question related to mine