Help review my profile (updated)

About Me :
• Game Developer for 5 years (includes Mobile Game Developer for 3 year)
• Currently working as a Game Developer in my own company (“Company Name”).and I’m working as a Game Developer in (“Company Name”).
• At the same time, we developed the Nucvivor and Strange Town projects, which we developed on PC, to the use of people through the Steam application.
• I currently have the title of the first mobile NFT game based on cardano (crypto) with Adamon and PengEgg, a mobile game that I developed myself.

Recommendation from:
• A CEO of a tech company (“Company Name”) in the UK that I worked together in the development of a £500K hyper casual phone game. We continue to work together currently.

Mandatory Criteria Evidence:
I will present the following evidence regarding our joint project with (“Company Name”).

• A link of the project
• A reference letter from (“Company Name”)
• Screenshots of the earned money and number of users from project analytics
• Screenshots of the scripts(from source code on game engine) used in the development of the project
• Screenshots of the contract of the company we work with

Optional Criteria Evidence (OC1)
I will present the following evidence regarding the game projects we have developed with (“Company Name”).

• Links of the projects
• Screenshots of the scripts(from source code on game engine) used in the development of the project
• We didn’t have a contract with this company, we worked freelance (Showing screenshots of the source code of the projects, is this enough for a proof?)

Optional Criteria Evidence (OC2)
I will present the following evidence regarding the game projects we have developed with (“with my team”).

• Links of the projects
• Screenshots of the scripts(from source code on game engine) used in the development of the project
• Screenshots of the Nucvivor related analytics (In our project named nucvivor, income and number of users are not high. Should I add the income and user analytics of this project?)
• Screenshots of the Strange Town (Our Strange Town project has not been published yet, but there is a strange town store on Steam.)

Optional Criteria Evidence (OC3)
I will present the following evidence regarding the projects we have developed for the my own company I work for.

• Links of the projects
• Screenshots of the scripts(from source code on game engine) used in the development of the project
• In my project named adamon and pengegg, nft sales are made through cardano. Can I show revenues related to this with the history of the crypto wallet address? is this enough for a proof?
• Screenshots of the projects related analytics

Hi @T_T_Burak,

Going by the trend I’ve observed with endorsed candidates, tech nation seems to be much interested in 3 core things:

  1. Your history/relationship:
    This is why your personal statement and recommendation letters come in. I see you only listed 1 out of 3 required recommendation letters. You may want to look for the other 2 and ensure these people are considered experts in their respective digital fields. Also remember that they have to come from different companies.

  2. The impact in your business
    This is one area I think you covered really well going by your submission above, so I think you definitely should opt for OC 3

  3. The impact outside your immediate business/job
    This is where you really need to put in work as you did little in proving your value outside your day-to-day runs. The fact that you worked on other projects outside your company isn’t enough. I think tech nation wants more of a “service to community” kinda thing. I mean instances where you were a part of a community led initiative where you had to give up your time and resources to help others. Eg speaking at an event, mentoring for free, judging at a hackathon etc

Overall, I think you should take some more time to study the tech nation guide so as to get you better prepared.