Help Review My Application For Exceptional Promise As A Software Developer

Please help review my application for exceptional promise as a software developer with a couple years of experience.

Mandatory Criteria

  1. Logrocket blog posts with over 500k views (Published material in professional or major trade publications or major media about the applicant related to the applicant’s work in the digital technology sector)
  2. Salary & stock options for US startup raise over $100M, two German startups showing 6000% higher than average Nigerian salary

Optional Criteria 2 - How do I demonstrate that I have been recognised for my work outside of my immediate occupation that contributed to the advancement of the sector?

  1. Contributed over 1000 likes of code to Headless CMS Open source project with over 1k GitHub stars
  2. Reference letter to back point 1 up above from open source project lead.
  3. Personal substack that made it to hacker news(HN) front page & viewed over 5k times + screen shot of HN & redit conversations

Optional Criteria 3 - How do I demonstrate that I have made a significant* technical, commercial or entrepreneurial contributions to the field as a founder, senior executive, board member or employee of a product-led digital technology company?*

  1. (An Opensource book I wrote - 335 stars on GitHub, hacker news front page, email screenshot from principal engineer at Helsing) Starting or contributing to open source projects in a way that has been acknowledged by peers as advancing the field;
  2. Significant technical contribution to US Startup
  3. Reference letter from tech lead at US startup


  • Co-founder of Canadian based startup I worked at as an early employee
  • CEO of German startup I worked at
  • Senior Software Engineer from US startup who I am friends with + is kinda like a mentor

Any feedback is greatly appreciated, Thank you.

@Francisca_Chiedu @itd @may @alexnk

I think this fits into OC2 better.

Do you have more evidence that you can attribute to MC?

Thank you! Will move

  1. (An Opensource book I wrote - 335 stars on GitHub, hacker news front page, email screenshot from principal engineer at Helsing)

into OC2

For MC, can I move the first entry under the OC2 to MC.

Mandatory Criteria

  1. Logrocket blog posts with over 500k views (Published material in professional or major trade publications or major media about the applicant related to the applicant’s work in the digital technology sector)
  2. Salary & stock options for US startup raise over $100M, two German startups showing 6000% higher than average Nigerian salary
  3. Contributed over 1000 likes of code to Headless CMS Open source project with over 1k GitHub stars
  4. Reference letter to back point 1 up above from open source project lead.

Optional Criteria 2 - How do I demonstrate that I have been recognised for my work outside of my immediate occupation that contributed to the advancement of the sector?

  1. An Opensource book I wrote - (335 stars on GitHub, hacker news front page, email screenshot from principal engineer at Helsing) Starting or contributing to open source projects in a way that has been acknowledged by peers as advancing the field;
  2. Personal substack that made it to hacker news(HN) front page & viewed over 5k times + screen shot of HN & redit conversations

Optional Criteria 3 - How do I demonstrate that I have made a significant* technical, commercial or entrepreneurial contributions to the field as a founder, senior executive, board member or employee of a product-led digital technology company?*

1.Significant technical contribution to German Startup that has now shutdown
2. Reference letter from senior engineer at German Startup
2. Significant technical contribution to US Startup
3. Reference letter from tech lead at US startup

Is this looking better? @hsafra

I am worried that now, my OC2 is a bit too weak

I don’t think you should move this to MC. It better fit in OC2.

I am not sure which route are you after. But overall I think you have potential in the Exceptional Promise route (experience with less than 5 years though), but my concern is that you seem to have only 1 main evidence on each criterion while you have another supporting each evidence only. Therefore the main evidence of each criterion needs to pass though. And that is my concern for you.

My advice is to have more evidence to go along and ensure that you will pass the minimum evidence required by Tech Nation.

I hope this helps @TennisRacket

This is really helpful @alexnk - Thank you!