Help me with my application

Good day

I want to try the global talent visa.
I need help to know the exact evidence to use to be able to scale through.

I own a product led business (a taxi company), this is the 3rd year.
I have received 2 international awards and a honorary degree.
Pls I need guidelines on what evidences I can add and also are my awards good enough to assist me with my application.
Thank you

Tech Nation endorse digital companies, a taxi company won’t fit that description.
Please have a look at the guide here Tech Nation Visa Guide - Tech Nation

Our business uses a technological platform to connect riders and users

Did your company create this platform? Or uses a platform created by a third party?
Did you review the guide I linked to?

Yes, we built the platform and we have our app on app store as well.

Yes, I read the guide.
We developed the application, from the product design to the complete application. It’s currently on the app store

The guide states

The “digital technology sector” or “product-led digital technology companies” are defined as businesses that provide a proprietary digital technical service/product/platform/hardware as their primary revenue source. The creation of software, processing/storage of data, or the creation/application of technical computing hardware is often a central aspect of their business model.

I’m afraid I can’t see how a taxi company fits that description. While it’s true that you created a new application the main line of business is the taxi service and not the digital product.

Putting that aside for a second, do you have the evidence to support the other criteria?

Yes, I have evidence to support the criteria

You might want to list the evidence you have and which optional criteria you intend to use. This will allow people to give their opinions about them.