Help! How do I start this Journey as a Digital Marketer

Hello Everyone, Please I will be grateful to get all the helps I need from this forum.

I am a Digital Marketer that has worked in various companies that cut across various sector (Tech and Non-Tech) that are directly and indirectly product driven.

However, I am overwhelmed already as I don’t even know where and how to get started.

What do I do first? How do I start putting the evidences together? Do I start going back to getting screenshots of my work in those previous work places? and If yes, what and what things do I need to get as screenshots.

I would really be grateful if anyone can be of help and I can reach any alumni personally if anyone is willing to be of help to me.


Hey @Adetunji_Adeolu_Oluw everyone is in the same boat when they start. You’re not alone. Over the next few weeks you’ll gradually ease in to the process.

What do I do first?

Read the technation visa guide multiple times. [3-5 min]

How do I start putting the evidences together?

Spreadsheet! List down various evidences you have. Reading the visa guide over and over helps you biuld a strong mental model of what they expect. Then pick & choose the top 10 evidences you can use.

Do I start going back to getting screenshots of my work in those previous work places?

Based on the 10 evidences you shortlist/finalize, start collecting screenshots to prove.

If yes, what and what things do I need to get as screenshots.

Re-read the visa guide. It directly says what evidence is expected.
For e.g. history of earnings = salary / bonus / equity [so take screenshots of your offer letter / promotion letter / paycheck / salary slips]

PS - I’m not endorsed yet.

Thanks so much @Chaitanya_Bapat, you have really made me feel less overwhelmed.

I will go ahead to read in details the guide as you suggested.

However, I don’t know if it is idea to be on the look out for a template that guides in putting the “evidences” in great position.

Thanks once again.

I understand where you’re coming from

But I’d resist the temptation to make the best/great package.

I’d rather go for a personal/unique one.

So don’t search for templates. Just go ahead and start jotting things down on the white page of Google doc and see how it goes from there. If you spend enough time, the doc will get better and better with every edit.

Thanks so much once again.

You have really been helpful

Hi, I recently interviewed someone who worked in Digital Marketing and got endorsed for Exceptional Promise, you might find this interview helpful:

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Hi, thanks.

I will check it now