Feedback Request Exceptional Promise — AI R&D Engineer & Data Science

Hi All,

I am applying for GTV Exceptional Promise as AI & Machine Learning Engineer/Researcher.

I did my BSc CS in 2021. I worker for a Company D during my last year full time alongside BSc. Resigned. Then joined Company A as full time after graduation for a year. Resigned. Then came to UK for MSc DS in Sept 2022. Alongside, worked for Company B. Then, I worked for Company C.

I graduated from MSc in Jan 2024. Now, I am Lecturing & Researching at University A. And also establishing my own startup based on MSc DS dissertation.

My skill sets are very in-demand as expertise & research is on Generative AI. Almost all work was innovative but have no patents etc.

I would really appreciate honest feedback whether I have any chances or not.

I am almost 25 years old, I do not know whether this matters.

MC — Leadership Potential & Significance

  • Company A
    • Worked as a Product Manager, and rapid growth from Python Dev, then TPM, than PM
      • Bank Salary Credit Screenshot after 3 months GAP
    • Screenshot of Company Website
    • Developed & Led a team of 13-15 individuals working on clients projects and products
      • Screenshot of LinkedIn recommendations provided for team and received from team.
  • Company B
    • Worked as a Lead AI R&D Engineer
    • Screenshot of Company Website
    • Screenshot of Equity Offer
    • Screenshot of Google Calendar Meetings
    • Screenshot of Emails for Github code notifications
    • Screenshot of Crunch-base Profile
    • Screenshot of Media Coverage for Company Launch
  • Reference Letter from CEO of Company B
  • Company C
    • Worked as Lead AI R&D Engineer & Data Scientist
      • Letter from the Founder attached within the Evidence
    • Screenshot of Company Website
    • I setup the whole code-base and algorithms etc for the product
      • Screenshot of Azure Deployment
      • Screenshot of Github Codebase commits
      • Screenshot of Database structure
      • Screenshot of the Whole System Architecture
      • Screenshot of the Wireframes
      • Screenshot of Slack conversations of success

OC2 — Recognised for work outside immediate occupation

  • Teaching
    • College A
      • Taught summer courses to 13-15 year old students
        • Screenshot of the LMS
        • Screenshot of Offer of Employment
    • University A
      • Lecture in AI & Data Science
      • Screenshot of University Profile on Website
      • Screenshot of Moodle for modules
      • Screenshot of Offer
      • Screenshot of Research Statement from Manager
  • Volunteer Coordination Officer — British Computing Society
    • Screenshot of website with my position and name
    • Screenshot of Email from Chair for request for volunteer
    • Screenshot of Email from Chair for congratulations of being selected
    • Pictures from some organised event
    • Screenshot of Calendar Meetings
  • Contributions
    • Top Data Science Voice, LinkedIn — Based on contributions to articles
      • Screenshot of LinkedIn Profile
      • Screenshot of answers on Articles
    • Github Contribution — A library with 80K stars
      • Screenshot of a merged pull request
      • Screenshot of an open pull request and discussion
      • Screenshot of Badges received from Github — Copilot, Pull shark and etc

OC4 - Academic Contributions

  • Associate Head of School, University A, Research Supervisor for MSc
    • Letter talking about my talent and research done and in-progress which will lead to publications, also my academic performance
    • Has a significant research/academic profile
  • Cluster Head, University B, Supervisor for BSc
    • Letter talking about my FYP project and significance during Covid-19. Also, our joint research in progress which will go into publications.
    • Also, talk about my Gold Medal, Summa Cum Laude Honours, Funding for FYP from the government for BSc FYP
    • Screenshot of Gold Medal, Summa Cum Laude Honours, Emails for Funding Approved
      • Screenshot of Criteria for Medal and etc
    • Has a significant academic/research profile
  • Award from — Equivalent of Royal Academy in UK
    • Received Laptop & Office 365 credentials etc
    • Screenshot of Email for confirmation and details
    • Screenshot of Criteria, i.e. for talented students (academic performance)


Company D

  • Worked on a mobile app
    • Letter from Director
  • Screenshot of Mobile App in Google Play Store
  • Screenshot of App Store Emails
  • Screenshot of Codebase for the Mobile

Published Material

  • Business Insider about my Upwork/Freelance
  • Podcast on Youtube by a company with 25K+ LinkedIn Followers
  • Some news (Ein news, The Chicago Journal) mention my name for Company E
    • I created architecture for them
    • Letter possible from Founder/CEO — Primarily using in Main Recommenders

Upwork Success

  • Top Rated Plus
  • Expert Vetted Badge
  • 60K + earnings

I have seen great feedback from you on this forum and really appreciate you helping everyone. Would you be so kind to go over my profile and provide feedback?

@Francisca_Chiedu @alexnk @ask4jubad @C91

I have seen that you are providing a lot of evidence here, but you will need to be selective and need to highlight only evidence that helps to shine you out among similar people. You have limited space.


  • Does your teaching a voluntary and a structured program?
  • Set of Github seems to be a piece of good evidence.
  • You may try to add podcasts to your OC2. But if it falls under company’s work, it could be MC or OC3.


  • Some of the exceptional evidence like gold medal, funding received, seem to be interesting evidence to me.

I hope this helps @reachusama

@alexnk Thank you for your feedback.

I realised that I can not include consultancy work, so I am only proceeding as below:


  • Founder of a startup, just started, as I have recently finished MSc
    – Supported by a Microsoft programme with resources and funding
    – This was worked as part of dissertation so getting Professor support via letter for this as well.
    – Company registered, applied for IP, preparing patent etc
    – Evidence includes diagrams as well of methodology

  • Company A, PM
    – Salary increased, and product success screenshot, supported by MD letter.

  • Won nationally recognised ignite funding for my FYP during undergrad + plus gold medal + honors and etc, supported with letter of support from IEEE Senior Member/my second supervisor.

OC2: I am not sure whether teaching would be accepted or not. But I have 2 other solid ones here.

  • Teaching 13-15 year old is not voluntarily and I was payed for it. But it was out of my day-to-day job.
  • Teaching at higher education is also paid and not voluntarily but my evidences includes organising events for students, pictures and etc.


  • Letter of support from Associate Head of School, MSc supervisor.
  • Letter of support from a Professor talking about one of projects that we worked on, and also my dissertation (which is now startup), and evidence of project collaboration via email.
  • I have 1 publications on research gate, 1 abstract submission acceptance for conference, 1 more abstract acceptance via peer review, received award from HEC in 2018 (eqvio of Royal Academy)

Do you think it can go though for exceptional promise ? or any recommendations ?

Thank you so much for your time.

Based on your latest list of evidence, I think it is still difficult to influence me personally.

MC: has a potential, but it is still questionable.
OC2: will not be qualified, as they are paid jobs.
OC3: it seems to have only 1 evidence, with 2 supporting letters to support it. The evidence needs to be very strong then.

Not sure this “received award from HEC in 2018 (eqvio of Royal Academy)” will be accepted since it is over 5 years

Thank you for highlighting this. I excluded it already.

i would advise you choose a different OC instead of OC2. The evidence is not strong. OC1 or 3 may be a better fit.