Hi All,
I am applying for GTV Exceptional Promise as AI & Machine Learning Engineer/Researcher.
I did my BSc CS in 2021. I worker for a Company D during my last year full time alongside BSc. Resigned. Then joined Company A as full time after graduation for a year. Resigned. Then came to UK for MSc DS in Sept 2022. Alongside, worked for Company B. Then, I worked for Company C.
I graduated from MSc in Jan 2024. Now, I am Lecturing & Researching at University A. And also establishing my own startup based on MSc DS dissertation.
My skill sets are very in-demand as expertise & research is on Generative AI. Almost all work was innovative but have no patents etc.
I would really appreciate honest feedback whether I have any chances or not.
I am almost 25 years old, I do not know whether this matters.
MC — Leadership Potential & Significance
- Company A
- Worked as a Product Manager, and rapid growth from Python Dev, then TPM, than PM
- Bank Salary Credit Screenshot after 3 months GAP
- Screenshot of Company Website
- Developed & Led a team of 13-15 individuals working on clients projects and products
- Screenshot of LinkedIn recommendations provided for team and received from team.
- Worked as a Product Manager, and rapid growth from Python Dev, then TPM, than PM
- Company B
- Worked as a Lead AI R&D Engineer
- Screenshot of Company Website
- Screenshot of Equity Offer
- Screenshot of Google Calendar Meetings
- Screenshot of Emails for Github code notifications
- Screenshot of Crunch-base Profile
- Screenshot of Media Coverage for Company Launch
- Reference Letter from CEO of Company B
- Company C
- Worked as Lead AI R&D Engineer & Data Scientist
- Letter from the Founder attached within the Evidence
- Screenshot of Company Website
- I setup the whole code-base and algorithms etc for the product
- Screenshot of Azure Deployment
- Screenshot of Github Codebase commits
- Screenshot of Database structure
- Screenshot of the Whole System Architecture
- Screenshot of the Wireframes
- Screenshot of Slack conversations of success
- Worked as Lead AI R&D Engineer & Data Scientist
OC2 — Recognised for work outside immediate occupation
- Teaching
- College A
- Taught summer courses to 13-15 year old students
- Screenshot of the LMS
- Screenshot of Offer of Employment
- Taught summer courses to 13-15 year old students
- University A
- Lecture in AI & Data Science
- Screenshot of University Profile on Website
- Screenshot of Moodle for modules
- Screenshot of Offer
- Screenshot of Research Statement from Manager
- College A
- Volunteer Coordination Officer — British Computing Society
- Screenshot of website with my position and name
- Screenshot of Email from Chair for request for volunteer
- Screenshot of Email from Chair for congratulations of being selected
- Pictures from some organised event
- Screenshot of Calendar Meetings
- Contributions
- Top Data Science Voice, LinkedIn — Based on contributions to articles
- Screenshot of LinkedIn Profile
- Screenshot of answers on Articles
- Github Contribution — A library with 80K stars
- Screenshot of a merged pull request
- Screenshot of an open pull request and discussion
- Screenshot of Badges received from Github — Copilot, Pull shark and etc
- Top Data Science Voice, LinkedIn — Based on contributions to articles
OC4 - Academic Contributions
- Associate Head of School, University A, Research Supervisor for MSc
- Letter talking about my talent and research done and in-progress which will lead to publications, also my academic performance
- Has a significant research/academic profile
- Cluster Head, University B, Supervisor for BSc
- Letter talking about my FYP project and significance during Covid-19. Also, our joint research in progress which will go into publications.
- Also, talk about my Gold Medal, Summa Cum Laude Honours, Funding for FYP from the government for BSc FYP
- Screenshot of Gold Medal, Summa Cum Laude Honours, Emails for Funding Approved
- Screenshot of Criteria for Medal and etc
- Has a significant academic/research profile
- Award from HEC.gov.pk — Equivalent of Royal Academy in UK
- Received Laptop & Office 365 credentials etc
- Screenshot of Email for confirmation and details
- Screenshot of Criteria, i.e. for talented students (academic performance)
Company D
- Worked on a mobile app
- Letter from Director
- Screenshot of Mobile App in Google Play Store
- Screenshot of App Store Emails
- Screenshot of Codebase for the Mobile
Published Material
- Business Insider about my Upwork/Freelance
- Podcast on Youtube by a company with 25K+ LinkedIn Followers
- Some news (Ein news, The Chicago Journal) mention my name for Company E
- I created architecture for them
- Letter possible from Founder/CEO — Primarily using in Main Recommenders
Upwork Success
- Top Rated Plus
- Expert Vetted Badge
- 60K + earnings