Exceptional Talent: Need help evaluating Evidences

Hi Folks,

I currently work for a FAANG company and am actively pursuing the Global Talent Visa. I’m grateful for all the knowledge I’ve gained from the community, which has enabled me to compile a comprehensive list of evidence to include in my application. I would greatly appreciate your assistance in evaluating the strength of my application.


  • Director at FAANG company

  • Former Director at my previous company (now one of the world’s largest food delivery companies) in India, currently serving as an AVP at a different company.

  • The founder of an AI company, who has firsthand knowledge of my technical abilities from our previous work together at a Nuclear Research Organization ten years ago and at my startup.


  1. Salary evidence (FAANG and certificate of current performance rating)

  2. Salary evidence (last employer in India)

  3. Leadership Evidence from Skip Level manager in FAANG (also a GTV holder) showing $$ impact from my recent project

  4. Reference letter from Senior Software engineer at FAANG focusing on innovative solution I developed along with high $$ impact + News evidence regarding the issue

  5. Reference letter about development of an innovative solution that significantly reduced my previous company’s order cancellation rate - Ex-colleague, now architect at a Startup

  6. Evidence related to the tech startup I co-founded in the road safety domain.

  • The company was dissolved within the last 5 years and did not generate significant revenue.
  • Social Media evidence showing collaboration with Road Safety NGOs to spread awareness on the topic and our product
  • New articles mentioning the startup and my name in Hindi (Will require translation)
  • Cover letter on architecture and challenges
  1. Reference letter explaining integration work with third party vendor and it’s impact - Senior software engineer from last company

  2. Reference letter acknowledging my work on compliance and business continuity plan that prevented impactful downtime - Senior software engineer from last company

  3. News evidence about launch of key monetization product which i unblocked in FAANG

  • Mentioned in recommendation letter from Director
  1. Evidence about participation in external Hackathon - Letter from Senior software engineer at other FAANG company (also my co-founder in Startup) and screenshot of architecture and participation page

Evidence segregation :

MC - 1,2,3

OC1 (Innovation) - 4,5,6

OC3 (Impact) - 3,7,8,9

OC2 (Outside Work) - 10

I am considering going for OC1, OC3 and separately highlighting outside work with a cover letter as one evidence.

Looking forward to hearing your inputs on this. Thanks in advance!

Keep in mind you can only pick 2 optional criteria, so one of these will have to go.

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Thanks @yeshellohi for your reply! I’m looking for advice in choosing the optional criteria (OC1 vs OC2). How strong does OC1 look with given evidences?

Hi @Francisca_Chiedu, @ask4jubad, @alexnk ! Tagging you guys for visibility as I’ve found your comments really useful in other threads. Please provide inputs, if time permits.

@harsh_arora, you clearly don’t have any qualifying evidence for OC2. So at best, you would go for MC, OC1 and OC3.

I don’t see how doc 10 contributes to digital technology or advances the field as stated in the TN guide (Please go through OC2 examples again). I also feel like your MC is light so, I would suggest.

MC - 1, 2,3, 6, 8 , 9 (if it mentions your name specifically)

OC1 (Innovation) - 4,5,6

OC3 (Impact) - 3,7,8,9

If you have ever been invited to speak at an event or provided mentorship in a structured program, or contribute(d) to an open source project, you can add that as doc 10 and use it for MC.

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It appears you do not have sufficient evidence, reference letters alone are not sufficient. Do you have evidence of speaking at high profile digital tech events? So you have recognised awards? So you have news clippings that mentioned your name?

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@ask4jubad Fair enough! I’ll take all these points into consideration before submitting the application. Thank you!

Some details about Doc 10 (Hackathon) - We created an COVID tracker app and I was involved in creating architecture and Android app. Does this seem suitable for MC?

I’ve also done tech mentoring for 2 startups for ex-colleagues mentioned in doc 5 and LOR 3. They will be elaborating it in their letters. This counts for mentorship under MC?

Also, I’ve spoken at several road safety events on how technology can help assist reduce number of accidents and promote my startup. I’ve news articles mentioning my name and pictures on social media. Thoughts?

@Francisca_Chiedu Thanks for your inputs! In addition to above, I’ve news articles related to work done at FAANG and previous company. Since these were company level features and multiple departments (in some cases) were involved, they don’t mention my name specifically. I’ve tried that recommendation letter cover these contributions. Any tips on how these can be represented best?

Unfortunately, no.

No, creating the app does not. If there was media mention about you and your team and traction of public use of the app, then it should account for something.

Can you satisfy this in the TN guide: Also note that evidence of media recognition should include details about the publication and target audience. LinkedIn or Medium are not considered sufficient as evidence. Internal company awards, training or certificates are also not sufficient for meeting this criterion. Where possible evidence should include supporting data such as number of page views, downloads or other quantifiable metrics.? If yes, then you may use it as an MC.

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