Exceptional Talent - Endorsed

@Francisca_Chiedu @May Please correct me if my understanding is wrong.

If one is applying for MC, OC1 and OC3, then I think 2 unique documents for MC, 2 unique documents for OC1 and 2 unique documents for OC3, hence cannot use the same piece of (these 6) evidence for more than one criteria.

Rest 4 documents can be used for both MC and OC1 or for both MC and OC3.

Please suggest.

That understanding is correct for the first 6 documents.

However even for the other 4 documents you are not allowed to repeat it again.

For example you used document 7 in MC, you cannot use it again any other criteria


@Ido_Moshe @heman @zamisalce @Francisca_Chiedu @Anirudh_Pathak @aka @moorjaniajay

I am tagging everyone who was discussing reusing the same piece of evidence, as I had the same question. I think I have found the answer.

If you check April 2023 Changelog you will find

Added requirement for at least 2 unique pieces of evidence per criteria.


@Ido_Moshe application was submitted and approved in March 2023 and the requirement for 2 unique documents was added in April 2023.

So it seems like Ido got lucky with their timing and reusing evidence in Mandatory and Optional Criteria.

Also in my opinion it is always possible that some applications got away with reusing the evidence in Mandatory and Optional Criteria even after April or might even in the future due to human error, assessors not being aware of the changes, forgetting about the change etc.

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@heman If you still have not submitted the application I would appreciate it if you could share screenshots of the all forms that you have to fill for the application.

So others can get a better idea of what to expect and arrange our documents.

If you have already submitted then can you please share a description of what you remember.

For example the personal statement needs to be in the application form and not a separate document. Things like this one could miss until they actually start the application process.

Then how those 4 documents are different from 6 unique documents.
So, all 10 documents will be unique?

If all documents are unique and can be used for 1 criteria only, then “unique” should not have been used in the guidelines. Then “You cannot use the same piece of evidence for more than one criteria.” was enough.

Please confirm.

Unique is omitted from UK GOV site.

It clarifies now that You cannot use the same piece of evidence for more than one criteria.

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