Exceptional Talent | Case review request

Hi, I am currently Senior ML Engineer and Teamlead of analytics team at one of top E-com Companies and Research Teamlead ML in Stealth Startup, can you highlight weak moments of my case?

Mandatory Criteria
MC1 - Leaded the implementation of delivery forecasting model which statistically increased retention rate of users → so increased cashflow for company and amount of loyalty users.
Evidence: internal data with shaded NDA data, like percentage of uplifts and review results with also shaded NDA

MC2 - Leaded the development of math algorithms for health fulfillment estimation via monitoring by devices of web of things, collaborated with Medical Academy, created software for our own personal tracking device.
Evidence: Only internal data with proofs about my involment in process, receiving grant for company, public conference, documents about collaboration with Medical Academy

Possible MC3 - Leaded development of algorithm which caused us to reduce hiring cost and producing new results costs in Stealth startup. Not sure how to prove it cause of Stealth of startup. I just have words of CEO about current benefits for startup economics

Evidence 1:
I won IT competition and implemented my solution with Agency of Innovation, then my solution was used on whole country. IT competition and information about using solution is public available, results is not.

Evidence 2:
I have a patent about new technology of health parameters estimation via personal tracking devices which are used now. Information about patent is public available.

Evidence 1:
I have interview on podcast where I am represented as one of very talented people and my advices directed to other, who try to enter into IT sphere. Interview is public.

Evidence 2:
I have history of mentoring in course of dynamic pricing, creating part of course like teaching materials, exercises for self-check, and also some lessons. There is proof only letter from CEO of courses and information about courses in web, they are top 1 currently in my country.


  1. Director of Data at BP, Former VP of Data in Blockchain, Former Staff SWE Meta, Former VP Data in Alibaba, I collaborated with him in course development and in Alibaba.
  2. Director of Data at my current E-com, he knows my talents, my projects and my results
  3. CEO of current stealth startup, former CPO of ebook selling company

Resume: I have intense track in implementing math optimization algorithms which have many applications, in ML, in Oil&Gas, in E-com, in Air industry. During my whole career I improved my skills in these sphere and in programming for implementation myself. So I continue to generate knowledge in optimization and in ML now.

CV main idea: I want to be hired in Tier 1-2 companies based in London and get PhD in UK universities.

Overall you have the minimum of 6 evidences when you can submit 10. I would advise to have more - it’s a shame to waste these.
MC: All the evidence looks company internal, you’ll need to find external evidence to support your case. Speaking events, outside recognition, etc.
OC1: 1. What innovation was created? Can you demonstrate that it’s yours?
OC3: Both of these look more fitting to OC2. For 1, how many views does this interview have? For 2, is this a structured mentorship program?

Please take a look at the TN guide, it has more details about evidence types that they’re looking for Tech Nation Visa Guide - Tech Nation


Thank you for answer. :slightly_smiling_face:

I don’t have public speaking events, just company public records which show growth of metrics. Is it applicable? Also I have seen the stories of endorsement where people used the additional letters from the company. Is it ok in such case?

Yes, it is public patent, I am second author with equal contribution with the first author. Innovation - it is noninvasive and preventive diagnostic algorithm which can be used by medicine workers. The diagnostic significance can be increased by using some devices, like blood pressure monitor and etc.

OC3 or OC2:
Currently now I have 1488 views on youtube, this interview also published on apple podcast, yandex podcast and spotify
About structured mentorship (I suppose it means one to one mentorship with program). No, in this situation I was like tutor for students. Students look video lessons, completes exercises, complete final projects. I gave them additional information for better understanding, sometimes students ask for my personal time for better explanation of lesson material. Also I am creator of some original lessons and exercises.

Will reread the TN Guide, thanks for clarification about OC

MC: having only company internal evidence seems to be a hit or miss, with more misses from what I’ve seen. Can you attribute the company growth to your work?
Is there any other external evidence you can maybe use? Code contributions, panels?

OC1: a patent is great, what other evidence would you use?

OC2: 1488 view may be a little or a lot, depending on the field. It doesn’t sound like a big number though so TN might not like it.
Mentorship programs need to be structured so your contribution there might not be accepted.
“Also I am creator of some original lessons and exercises.” - this is good for OC2. How many people enrolled in those?

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Can you attribute the company growth to your work?

Yes, I uplifted one of core metrics like retention rate, which can be directly converted into money.

OC1: a patent is great, what other evidence would you use?

Will cite myself, possibly you missed it:
Evidence 1:
I won IT competition and implemented my solution with Agency of Innovation, then my solution was used on whole country. IT competition, my victory and information about using solution is public available, results is not.

How many people enrolled in those?

Currently now, each month enrollement near 15-20 people (Course length - 5 months). Also some information about mass buyouts from bigtech in our country. But, I can prove my involvement only by letter from CEO of courses. Company which create courses currently in the top in my country. This is public available info.

Hey @andrei.krotkih, I would advise you to include third-party evidence in addition to your company metrics. I’m currently in the process of appealing because they only acknowledged the letter of endorsement and didn’t acknowledge the company’s internal metrics I provided, such as improvements in retention rate and fulfillment rate, code in company repo, and other internal data. In my opinion, I believe the unwritten rule I’m discovering is that they prefer third-party evidence, especially for the mandatory criteria. I wish someone had told me this earlier, but it’s not too late for you to incorporate this advice into your application.


I wish someone had told me this earlier, but it’s not too late for you to incorporate this advice into your application.

Thank you very much for your advice, will gather 3rd party evidences too.

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It’s not spelled out but is very strongly implied. If you look at the examples on the guide 3 are company internal metrics and 7 are outside recognition.

@Ball How can you even get third-party evidence for work in the company?

I mean the work is done in the company then how do you even show it from outside company metric?

this is what my application looks like, I am almost finalising it. would love your input

The external evidence is not for your workplace - it’s for contribution outside of it, like talks, panels, publications and more
There are multiple examples in the MC section of the guide Tech Nation Visa Guide - Tech Nation and I’d advise reviewing it carefully


Hi @andrei.krotkih

I think your mandatory evidences are more suitable for OC1 or OC3. Mandatory is all about recognition in the field and not the ‘‘innovation’’ or ‘‘impact’’ such as increased retention rate, etc.
The OC3; Evidence 1; i see it more suitable for Mandatory as this is recognition and not showing any impact or matrics of your work.

As @Ball suggested, third party verification are very essential for this criteria such as letters, blogs, awards, and please see the tech nation guide for more details and examples of evidences.

I think you have strong evidences and all you need is to structure them in a better way to meet the criteria.

Best of Luck!