Exceptional Talent Application - Please review my application plan

Hi all, I’ve been thinking about this for ages and I’m considering putting in an application now. I have a decent amount of proof as a Global Talent and I’ve read successful case studies. However, my application plan has some “holes” in it so to say.

I have close to 7 years of experience in my field, about 5 of which are in the UK. Here’s a rough idea of what my application will look like. I’ve mentioned caveats as well.

Global talent - Software Engineer specialized in Metaverse, AR/VR, and Games

Criteria -

Mandatory - Show that they have been recognised as a leading talent in the digital technology sector in the last 5 years.

Optional Criteria 1 - proof of recognition for work beyond the applicant’s occupation that contributes to the advancement of the field.

Optional Criteria 2 - they have made significant technical, commercial or entrepreneurial contributions to the field as a founder, senior executive, board member or employee of a product-led digital technology company.

3 Letters of Recommendation -

  1. From Lead Gameplay Engineer (Manager) at my current employer (Approx 1000 person late-stage Metaverse and games tech startup).
    Problem - I’ve only worked here 7 months so far.

  2. From Director or Head of R&D at my last job. This is where I spent 3 years before my current job.

Problem - My work here demonstrates that I’m an influential expert in my field of Games AR & VR through leading collaborative R&D work with industry partners and through a published paper and published toolkits & frameworks online. BUT, the role itself was as an R&D Fellow at an academic R&D center under a university. So not a product-led company.

  1. From a client from my last job who I worked with to create a new AR product that allowed them to form a new start up venture. The client is an ex industry executive and an executive at the new start up.

Problem - Like I said, this job was a R&D role that would be considered academic at a University-led R&D center.

10 pieces of evidence:

  1. Letter of support - From a small AR/VR tech company founder who’s also a lecturer and who was a partner on a project of mine. → MC

  2. Employment evidence, P60, with above-average salary → MC

  3. Letter of support from an industry body or union of sorts that gave me a leadership award and mentorship support, that I also volunteered for on another occassion → OC1

  4. Evidence of online influence and positioning - 4 articles written and published on top industry websites and my LinkedIn with some proof of views, spoke and presented a paper at an academic conference, spoke and presented work at an industry conference at two locations. → OC1

  5. Overview of a tool for game developers that I made and put up for free download on a game engine’s online store, along with a testimonial of it’s usefulness from a Lecturer who used this tool for a project we worked on together → OC1

  6. Published paper of work that I did with someone at my last role → MC

  7. LoR from Technical Director at my current company speaking about the impact I’ve made on our core product → OC2

Problem - Like I said, only worked here 7 months.

  1. Here’s one I can’t add yet because it’s not published. But I made two toolkits or frameworks from my work at my last job which will be published online. One is a design framework for AR. The other is an adaptation of the Google Design Sprint. Both would be published proof of expertise in this space. → MC

  2. While I was in the R&D role, the research center won an industry award for research excellence. I’m not sure what form the proof would take - maybe news articles about the award?

Kind of stuck for ideas for more documents, I might think of more while I work through this.

Happy to get any feedback on this plan, and on how important those issues I mentioned might be.

@Francisca_Chiedu Could I please ask for your advice? Thanks so much :slight_smile:

I think you are fixated about it being R&D related, as long as it was done in partnership of a product-led company and you can show you individual contributions, it should be fine. I don’t recommend using an letter for work less than 12 months

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Thanks a lot Francisca. That helps.

Less than 12 months → That makes things difficult, because I’d be entirely reliant on my previous work experience if I applied right now. Once again, I may be better off waiting another 5 months so I have a full year here.