Exceptional Talent Application: Evidence Review


Kindly help review my evidences for the Talent Application for Business.


  • UK TOP 100 African Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs 2022 Recognition: I was named one of the most influential, impactful and successful Africans in the UK by a leading business body here in the UK. Evidenced by the publication across their Linkedin, website, other SM platforms alongsides other notable business leaders (URLs and screenshots).

  • I was recognized as a leader in my feild, hence selected and volunteer my time for an international non-profit accelerator/ cohort, where I mentor, support and empower women and non-binary people new to the tech world. Evidenced by business website, mentor profile, screenshots of meetings, Linkedin announcement posts, slack messages etc. (URLs and Screenshots).

  • I was recognized, interviewed and featured as ‘Person In Tech’ by a Top Business Publication in my home country for my contribution over time. Evidenced by similarweb showing ranking of publication, target audience, traffic etc as well as the URL and screenshot of the publication itself.

  • Evidence of previous tech organization I built digital/product team from scratch and revenue for Fintech and Cloud products; evidenced by tax record showing bottomline of revenue growth through my time there. Awards won through my contribution and TV appearances where I represented the company in receiving an international accreditation.

PS. I was nominated for an IWD award alongsides some incredible women in their feilds. Results will be announced soon. However, does this count for recognition? Can it be used as well or does it only count when the award is won, not just the nomination?

OC2 (Focusing on Mentorship and thought Leadership)

  • I volunteer as a mentor on two structured platforms, coaching on product management, digital media and PR. I have a global network of mentees I have helped and can evidence them through reviews and feedback on the platforms likee LinkedIn, and the mentorship platforms review systems. I can evidence my profiles, community impact, screenshot of sessions, milestones etc for both - URLs and screenshots available.

  • I volunteer and continue to contribute op-ed articles for publication on major industry platforms around important topics affecting the tech industry; as evidenced using similarweb showing 2M+ traffic, target audience etc (I am thinking of using my most recent articles here). I also have screenshots and URLs to support this.

  • Newspaper recognition on my mentorship over the years. Evidenced by picture of the print.


  • I led a team in creating a cybersecurity solution for the government to tackle insecurity and terrorism in my home country. As evidenced by letter of support from the government stating my impact, pictures with the members of the government as well as links to publication and Wikipedia page authenticating the profiles of the people in the pictures.

  • I co-founded a digital department working with a product led company- the departmenet has now grown to be a multimillion dollar standalone company still thriving on strategies I put in place and the revenue I raised to set things in motion. My strategy/impact was taught as a masterclass session during an industry event. It is evidenced by marketing items of the event; screenshots, before vs. after of their social media growth as well (millions of followers). My LoR2 attests to it & my many impact at that company. He is a top industry leader.

  • I led significant impact on mobile app & anchored tech conferences to promote more ‘African women in tech’ at 8 biggest universities in home country. Evidenced by the App trending performance on Playstore, public app review, success metrics showing before and after the app campaign; pictures, videos. Also, evidence of employment contract showing high pay as well as promotion email based on mobile app success.

LoR 1: VP, International Marketing and Distribution, EMEA of a Top 100 company - he is also board member of my current company and Angel Investor in over 20 African startups (Fintech, HealthTech etc)

LoR 2: Co-Founder & CEO of a YC backed startup that has gone on to raise $33.3M in investment (ex- director and country head at my previous job - so speaks to my professional accomplishments)

LoR 3: CTO of my previous company (CCIE certified) and Top industry guy

I will appreciate your candid feedback and advise on whether this works or needs more work.

@Francisca_Chiedu @May @alexnk @ask4jubad

Kindly help… your feedback would be highly appreciated, thanks.

Not much needs be said. From my end, you have got a well-established profile and in my opinion, 90+% ready to go.

Just some comments:
OC3:… As evidenced by letter of support from the government stating my impact…” I hope it mentions your name specifically?
OC3:…anchored tech conferences to promote more ‘African women in tech’ at 8 biggest universities in home country” should be under OC2.
OC3:I co-founded a digital department working with a product led company- the departmenet has now grown to be a multimillion dollar standalone company still thriving on strategies I put in place and the revenue I raised to set things in motion …”. How do you mean, you co-founded a digital department? Is this also mentioned in the LOR2? Make sure that actual figures are mentioned in the LoR. Also in your own evidence, try to point the reviewer to who and where it is mentioned. For instance, I contributed xxx (mentioned in LOR2) or something of that sort. If possible, also indicate GBP equivalents where applicable.

Regarding this question: “PS. I was nominated for an IWD award alongsides some incredible women in their feilds. Results will be announced soon. However, does this count for recognition? Can it be used as well or does it only count when the award is won, not just the nomination?”, a nomination cannot be a primary evidence, but can be used as a supporting evidence. In your case, you can include it as a separate page together with the UK TOP 100 Leader Recognition.

Verily, as a business applicant, numbers would play well in your favour, so capitalize on that.

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@Hauwa_Dupe Dang! What are you doing here? You should have been submitting and packing your bag to the UK already. :grinning:

Anyway here are my small comments:

  • You have a great profile for the Exceptional Talent role.
  • OC2.1 looks strong but seems tight, while OC2.3 seem loose (like there are a few details only). Do you foresee if you can split your OC2.1 into 2 pieces of evidence, and make 2 strong pieces of evidence instead for your Exceptional Talent visa?
  • Focus to highlight the metrics to strengthen your application in each criterion.
  • @ask4jubad has said it. Highlight those metrics, they will have to strengthen your application.

Best of luck to your application


@ask4jubad thank you so much for your in-depth feedback and analysis, I truly appreciate your kind words! To answer your concerns; yes, the letter does mention me directly as I was lead on the product + business owner and main contact between the government and my company.

…8 biggest universities in home country… should be under OC2.

The reason I placed it with OC3 was to emphasize the impact I had driving the product, I worry the ‘external’ pieces of evidence around this mostly point to the mobile app, as the pictures and videos could be seen as personal by the assessors. Hence why I thought to include it as supporting evidence and not the main one.

My LOR2, myself, and 2 others birth a digital Adtech department within a multinational company. What started as an idea is now a full-fledged standalone company in its launch year my campaigns generated millions, one of which went viral and was taught at the masterclass the same year, 2018. My LoR details my business impact leading as well as my role in it all which as you mentioned, I will make do to point the reviewer too, even if I have to use an arrow just in case!:rofl:

a nomination cannot be a primary evidence, but can be used as a supporting evidence. In your case, you can include it as a separate page together with the UK TOP 100 Leader Recognition.

Okay, I will. Thank you soooo much!

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  • OC2.1 looks strong but seems tight, while OC2.3 seem loose (like there are a few details only). Do you foresee if you can split your OC2.1 into 2 pieces of evidence, and make 2 strong pieces of evidence instead for your Exceptional Talent visa?

Oh you are right, that’s smart! I can see what you mean and will do that.

Dang! What are you doing here? You should have been submitting and packing your bag to the UK already. :grinning:

PS. Been blushing at this and I sincerely hope you are right! Thank you sooo much! :heart: