I started an e-commerce company in 2020, which operated for over two years. I invested my own capital to start the business; however, during that time, I was unable to generate any revenue as the business was still in its growth phase. I eventually moved to the UK and had to pause the business due to other commitments.
How can I validate my entrepreneurial experience to meet the Tech Nation requirements, which state the need to have generated revenue as a startup?
Did your business didn’t generate any income? The criteria is income, not profit.
What kind of business was that? It needs to be innovative in the digital tech field
Any company provided as evidence should demonstrate a level of income beyond solely covering the applicant’s salary and must have been commercially successful or otherwise demonstrate how the applicant meets the endorsement criteria.
The second section leaves the option to explain how this was an innovative product lead digital company that fits the criteria even if it wasn’t commercially successful