Exceptional Promise endorsed -> Worth applying again for the Talent?

Good day there,
Today I received fantastic news: I was approved for the GT Exceptional Promise. It’s amazing to get it, don’t get me wrong but I’m beginning to wonder why I didn’t apply for the Talent. 5 years as opposed to 3 years. The difference in the Healthcare surcharge is £3,788 (£624 per year for each applicant, three of us) – that’s a lot of money.

Dear Community, I have two inquiries, the 2nd of which I couldn’t find an answer to:

  1. Shall I apply with the same pack and try out for the GT Talent instead?
  2. If I apply and get rejected, would my existing endorsement be revoked if my new application is denied?

Many thanks for your time and feedback ahead of time! Best,

HI @thebulatk. if you are qualified for Talent and applied for Promise, you would have been given Talent. I know folks who applied for Promise That Got Talent.

I think that answers Q1.

I don’t know the answer for Q2.

Also getting Talent will only reduce your surcharge, your family still has to spend 5 years and pay for surcharge for those 5 years before they can get ILR.

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If you want to apply for talent, you need to wait fir three months for you endorsement to expire thn reapply as exceptional talent.

That is a serious risk. All best @thebulatk. I love people who are bold.

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