Exceptional Promise Eligibility Review

I am a UI/UX Designer with 3 years experience. I also have over 1 year experience in product manager. I am applying as a UI/UX designer but to get 3 recommendation with the appropriate requirement, I will need to get from both professionals (2 as UI/UX and 1 as PM). Will I still be qualified for the exceptional promise candidate or the references have to be only in the professional I’m applying with?

Your feedback is very much appreciated please. Thank You!

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Hi @honihthobih you can get LOR for both professions - also include some evidences from your second profession in criterias to tie up the narrative tightly. Good luck!

Hi, @honihthobih, your reference letters don’t have to be from the same profession. As long as they are from individuals within the tech sector, you can provide evidence of your impact in those areas.

Thank you for this. I really appreciate

Thank you for the clarification. I really appreciate