Exceptional Promise Application Review

Hi all,
Please review my application.


  1. CEO of Analytics product I developed
  2. CEO of Startup Advisory Company
  3. Technology advisor for the main global HIV organisation.

MC1: Developed Analytics product at a product-led digital technology company which contributed £750k in revenue. Evidenced by code snippets and impact articles
MC2: Developed Embedded Analytics feature in a cloud computing data centre company which generated 20,000,000 naira in profit. Evidenced by reference letter, revenue document, code snippets, and process architecture.
MC3: Provided data implementation advisory to Maternal health technology startup. Minimised data sprawl and helped provide solid infrastructure for monitoring beneficiary information. Evidenced by reference letter, solution snippets from advisory document and internal growth KPIs
MC4: (current employer) Leading and managing end-to-end data maturity journey in Social Enterprise. Built mobile application for team thereby improving client experience and contributing 26% growth in revenue of £4.7M. Evidenced by reference letter, solution snippet and growth figures in press

OP(2): High-profile speaking engagements in 5 tech events with 5000+ attendees. Evidenced by event feedback and reference letters, snapshot of being on the main stage with links to engagement videos
OP(2): Contribution to the open-source project by writing API documentation in developing a python package - 2000+ downloads. Evidenced by Github repo link, download statics and project reach globally
OP(2): Mentorship outside organisation. I volunteer my time under a structured program with 6000+ members building data science and integration projects. Evidenced by reference letter, mentorship events, teaching videos, mentorship projects

OP(4): Peer reviewed academic research paper with significant contribution to cost saving in HIV programs.
Evidenced by publication with my name, conference presentation
OP(4): Evidence of developing machine learning data quality solution based on research outcome. Evidenced by solution prototype and GitHub of development
OP(4): Excellent academic performance referenced by supervisor.


I must say your application has extraordinary weightage.
You must apply and I am 95% certain you shall get through fairly easily.

Also check if your experience is >5 years to try for Talent instead if Promise since I think you could get through Talent fairly certainly as well.

Best wishes and keep up the hard work in your career.

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I think you have a solid application. I think you should consider using your conference speaking event in the mandatory criteria, this is a major criteria for evidencing leadership.

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For OC4, it might be worth including a reference letter from a recognised academic expert that endorses your research if you’re not using a top-tier peer-reviewed journal


Thank you for your positive feedback.

I applied as promised because I have less than 5 years experience.

Thank you very much.

Hello Francisca,

I will do that. Thank you.

Hello May,

The paper is accepted by IEEE journal. It’s a top peer reviewed journal and my supervisor also referenced it.

What do you think?

If it doesn’t have significant citation you can consider adding a reference letter from an academic expert. Is this a PhD supervisor?

I have a letter from my supervisor and it has been cited 24 times on IEEE. I am not sure it that is significant but I also included the ml solution I am building based on the research