Evidence review for Exceptional Promise route - Software Engineer

Hi guys, I am applying as a software engineer (4 years’ experience) for exceptional promise. Below are the documents I am looking to submit:

Mandatory Criteria

  1. Reference letter from the tech lead at Company A where I currently work
  2. Reference letter from CEO of Company B where I still work with as side gig
  3. Proof of high pay (offer and contract letters) at A and B with Glassdoor and Payscale comparisons
  4. a. A news clipping by Business Day that mentions the innovative product that was launched by Company B. I worked as the co-lead developer of their product (the news clipping does not mention my name, but rather the product).
    b. My code contribution graphs in Company A and B
    c. My stack overflow profile with 4k impressions
  5. My dev.to page where I blog about software development

Optional Criteria 2

  1. a. Screenshot + link to my GitHub page, which contains over 30 public repositories written in c#, JavaScript, and typescript. ,
    b. Screenshot + link to StackOverflow profile again

  2. My dev.to page where I blog about software development again

Optional Criteria 3

  1. A document outlining my contributions to company A and the impact they had (including diagrams) + a reference letter from the tech lead who saw my work (same as MC 1 above) + my contribution graph.
  2. A document detailing my contribution to Company B and its impact (screenshot of the company’s revenue for this year). I also added a link to my GitHub contribution graph during my time at the company.
  3. A document detailing my work and impact at a Company C, where I once worked, plus a reference letter from the tech lead at the company, who still works there.

Feedback from you guys will be highly appreciated. @Victrr @Francisca_Chiedu kindly help me look into this.
Thank you, guys.

  1. MC I should think that Reference letter 1 and 2 should be merged as one evidence.
  2. You can add you contribution to opensource projects
  3. Does the news clipping mention your name?

OC2. I think you contribution to stackover flow should be a stand-alone evidence
Are the 30 public repository opensource?
For dev.to blog, ensure you demonstrate how it advances the sector
OC3. Why are you using same referee as MC, is that the only person in the company who knows your work?

What’s the profile of your three recommenders?

Thank you @Francisca_Chiedu for your response. I really appreciate.


  1. You can add your contribution to opensource projects

I do not yet have open-source contributions

  1. Does the news clipping mention your name?

No, it does not mention my name, just the product

OC 2

Are the 30 public repositories open-source?

Yes, they all are


Why are you using same referee as MC, is that the only person in the company who knows your work?

There are two people I report to where I work. One is the CEO, who is also the scrum master, and the other one, is the tech lead. I’m using the same referee for both MC and OC 3 because he is the lead developer who knows my work and I already have the CEO as one of my three recommenders.

My recommenders:

  • CEO/Founder of my current company
  • CEO/Founder of the other company I work
  • CEO/Founder of another company who I met last year and did some work with.

@Chaitanya_Bapat hi, please what do you think about my evidences?

Just having contribution graphs wouldn’t suffice. I’d add more context on what exactly was the significance and impact of those contributions

This applies to

Rest looks alright.