Endorsement Received for Exceptional Promise - Marketing

Hi everyone,

It took me quite a while to update, but I thought it would be nice to share, especially since this forum was helpful in curating a great application. I applied for the Exceptional Promise route on June 12th and got a response two weeks later.

Here are the documents I sent in

Letters of Recommendation

  • CEO of my current company: This is from my current CEO at Company A, a business leader who was an ex-Big 4 executive.
  • Partner at a VC firm: He was COO at Company B and is now a partner at a firm supporting early-stage investors.
  • Former Marketing Manager and current TN-endorsed talent: Worked together before and collaborated on various initiatives.

Mandatory Criteria

  • Speaking opportunities on panel sessions about marketing—Proof of speaking at about six events, including conferences, panels and webinars, as well as slides, pictures, posters and feedback from attendees
  • Proof of leading marketing efforts - Proof of leading marketing at a Y-Combinator-backed startup (Company A) highlighting overall profitability, marketing initiatives I worked on, as well as a recommendation letter from the team lead
  • Proof of earning: Equity documents from last two jobs as well as salary increment over time + comparison with industry standard
  • Proof of leading marketing efforts - Evidence of a strategy built for business development that improved retention at a startup (Company A), including screenshots of Slack conversations, growth metrics and the impact on business growth.

Optional Criteria 2

  • Proof of mentorship on structured platforms - Google Hustle Academy and a community mentorship program. Screenshots of emails and reviews
  • Volunteer effort with tech-powered products - Volunteering for a TEDx event, a community project that hoped to sustain Nigerian languages by building a dictionary online, volunteering on the board of an NGO, and marketing volunteer work for other NGOs. Added are attestation letters and screenshots from websites.
  • Proof of contributing to articles to show thought leadership - Screenshots of articles on marketing and technology on reputable websites.

Optional Criteria 3

  • Having led or played a key role in the growth of a product-led digital technology company, such as influencing investment and strategy or delivering major products or releases - Screenshots of Slack conversations of me initiating this new feature at Company A documents that show planning, links to a personal story and results from the initiative.
  • Analytics dashboard of new users/traffic acquisition/clicks, digital growth, leads generated - Screenshots of growth of various marketing efforts at Company A, including mobile app, search results, and newsletter growth.
  • Proof of leading marketing efforts at another Y-Combinator-backed startup—Proof of document created to show that I led the marketing of a flagship product with a global payments company at Company B. I will also attach the successes, news clippings from announcing the partnership where I am mentioned, and an attestation letter from the Former General Manager.

Something I also did a lot of was:

  • Add attestation letters for some of the evidences - I added supporting letters for like four evidences to make it stronger
  • Explain so much about the evidences - introduction, why and then result/impact.

Looking at this final edit from the original first version I posted was so interesting and I’m indeed thankful for the random posts and comments.


Congratulations Steve. Please how do I connect with you? I need some guidance in putting my documents together

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Hi @Moradeke I just sent you a message :slight_smile:

Congratulations on your successful Exceptional Promise application! Your detailed sharing of documents and strategies is invaluable for others navigating the process. Wishing you continued success in your career journey!


Thank you so much! :slight_smile:

Congratulations Steve!:tada::+1:

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Congratulations Steve! I am also looking to apply by the end of this year, how could I connect with you?

Thank you!

Thank you very much.

Thank you! You could send me a private message + I’ll share my email with you and we can take it up from there :slight_smile: