Endorsed for Talent in 3 working days!

At the start, I want to thank everyone on this forum for their incredible help.

When I applied and saw the approval email, I struggled to believe it. The feeling that I wasn’t good enough and might be rejected (Impostor Syndrome in full force) was strong.

Please find the details of my application; I hope this will be helpful for someone who is currently in the process.

Timeline :

  • Application submitted (Sat, Aug 12)
  • Application referred to tech nation (Mon, Aug 14)
  • Confirmation email (Wed, Aug 16)

Detailed Application:

Statement of Purpose Outline:

  • Introduction: Explanation of my entry into the tech field.
  • Passion: Elaboration on my driving interests.
  • Personal Evolution: Reflection on my growth over the past 8 years, emphasizing key developments.
  • Contribution to the UK Tech Scene: Articulation of my anticipated impact on the UK tech landscape.


  1. Proof of Pre-seed Investment: Documentation demonstrating investment in my startup by a well-known VC.

  2. Specialized Data Engineering Webinar: Organized a webinar with over 120+ participants, covering attached topics and presenting demos. Highlight reasons for being chosen as a speaker, how it contributed to the advancement of the Data Engineering field, and share positive participant responses, including screenshots.

  3. Accelerator Acceptance Letter: Presentation of the acceptance letter from an accelerator program.


  1. Innovation Showcase: Presented innovation at my startup, including a product screenshot and GitHub code snippets. Articulated our ongoing commitment to innovation and staying at the forefront of technology.

  2. Compensation and Benefits: High salary information, relocation bonus, and prior Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs).

  3. VC Partner Reference Letter: Included a reference letter from a VC partner endorsing the innovative nature of our product and their investment in my startup. The partner, an ex-founder who successfully raised £12.5M for their previous startup, highlighted the uniqueness of our product.


  1. Previous Employer Impact: Illustrated my impact as a founding engineer at my previous employer, including an architecture diagram, initial commits in the repository, and a scalability screenshot.

  2. Startup MVP Success: Detailed the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) of my startup and how it played a pivotal role in securing funding. Emphasized the impact of the MVP on our journey.

  3. Partners’ Letters of Intent: Presented Letters of Intent from partners for my startup, highlighting their recognition of the impact. The write-ups accentuated the focus on impact and its significance in our collaborations.

Referral Letters:

  1. UK Gov Dealmaker: Included a referral letter from a UK Government Dealmaker, endorsing my qualifications and potential contributions.

  2. Previous Employer CEO: Featured a letter of referral from the CEO of my former employer, attesting to my capabilities and achievements during my tenure.

  3. Head of Data Science (Previous Employer): Incorporated a referral letter from the Head of Data Science at my previous employer (a different company from #2), highlighting my significant contributions and expertise in the field.

Key Takeaway:

  • For each piece of evidence, provide a brief context (2-3 sentences) elucidating its significance. Include the nature of the evidence, such as “Demonstrating contributions to the success of a startup’s core product as a pivotal engineer.
  • Tech Nation Guide Utilization: I derived immense value from the Tech Nation guide, meticulously adhering to its instructions to enhance my application.

  • Alumni Feedback Seeking: I proactively sought feedback on my application from various program alumni.


I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to everyone in this forum. The collective knowledge sharing, and insights, that I’ve witnessed here have been truly inspiring. To all those who are currently in the process of applying, I wish you the best of luck. Remember that each step of this journey is an opportunity for growth and learning.

As I move forward on my path, I am eager to contribute back to this community that has provided me with so much. Whether it’s sharing my experiences, providing guidance, or offering assistance.

My LinkedIn

On to Step 2…


Congratulations for your endorsement, 3 days that was fast, I can Imagine how happy you were after receiving the acceptance email

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Congratulation Ajay!

Thanks for sharing your journey with us.

I started but got overwhelmed but now l am motivated to pick my pieces and continue.

Congratulations, Ajay. Well deserved!

Thanks for sharing your journey.

This is really inspiring!
I have a startup project in which I’m the CPO with them, and then my 9-5 is a product designer. I’ll use my Startup project as the main evidence. I wonder which path you choose on your case?
Appreciate it!

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Congrats! I am also preparing for it, at OC3 1, previous employer impact, you include an architecture diagram, can you please elaborate on what is it?

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I choose the talent path

Of course, during my time working for the employer, I developed the architecture diagram and implemented that design consistently. I also presented the diagram and highlighted the positive impact it had.