Employment and high salary evidence

Hi everyone.

I plan to prepare an evidence showing my employment and high salary information. Can ı combine these info from 2 different companies I worked at or do they have to be 2 different documents?

I consolidated information from two different companies into a single document. Please ensure that you provide an explanation or an introduction at the beginning of the document.

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Thanks @moorjaniajay

I was also wondering if 2 times the average salary in my field would be considered as a high salary?

Hi @Edg! Just curious to know how was the process for you. Did you provide contracts or job offers as proof of a high salary?

I intend to provide 2 job offers signed by me that prove salaries above the Brazilian market, but one of the offers is in Portuguese, so I’m trying to understand if just translating it would be enough or if need a different type of translation.

Hi @lucia.pda

I used only the salary from my current company, showing the job offer.

I decided to create other evidences from my former company, so I prepared 2 different documents.

I am not sure about the translation. Because the offer I used was in English.


If your salary at the current company is higher then just put that. That is what I did, I just mentioned my salary at the current company I work at and compared average salaries in the entire UK and London and the city where I live on Payscale.

Two pages of screenshots and links to Payscale and explanation that according to Payscale my salary is X% higher then the average salary for C# Developers in the entire UK, X% higher than average in London and so on. Did this for 2 pages and added my offer letter on the third page.

However I cannot tell if I was granted MC because of high salary as I also had other evidence there.

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