Does Antler incubator grant qualify as income to renew your Visa

Greetings guys,

I recently got accepted into the Antler incubator program. Antler typically pays a grant of 4,000 GBP in 2 installments for founders who participate in this program.

My question is can I use this income as proof to show that i earned money in my expert field during your time in the UK.

Hi Ade,

It won’t work. See what is written on

* payslips showing your employer’s name
* a letter from your employer confirming your earnings
* personal bank or building society statements clearly showing payments from your employer or a limited company of which you are a director
* a document produced by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) that shows details of declarable taxable income on which tax has been paid or will be paid in a tax year (for example, a tax refund letter or tax demand)
* a document produced by an employer as an official return to HMRC, showing details of earnings on which tax has been paid (for example, a P60)
* a document produced by a person, business, or company as an official return to HMRC, showing details of earnings on which tax has been paid or will be paid - the document must have been approved, registered, or stamped by HMRC
* dividend vouchers showing the amount of money the company paid you

Antler does not give you any of this documents. My advice for you is to close a job before your your visa expires and get a letter from the employer.


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@oladayo_leggo Thanks for the feedback; I will take it under advisement