Do we need to email Home Office?

I paid the Home Office fee of 524 GBP and also submitted all my evidences separately on the Tech Nation website. However, the Home Office page shows this:

Do I need to email all the docs to the Home Office as stated above?
Can someone please clarify to me?
Thank you!

Thank you for your response @pahuja @Francisca_Chiedu @May @hsafra !

The evidence documents etc.? I only sent those to TN through their system

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Thank you for replying @hsafra! I was specifically referring to the paragraph where they mention to “email the documents” as shown in below image. I wanted to confirm if this emailing of the docs is required (besides submitting everything on Tech Nation website):

No after you get endorsed you will need to upload your endorsement email and passport and other info on the appointment portal.

also for first stage, you only have to upload them on Tech Nation portal. That email thing is for other routes such as Art I think.

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Thank you very much!

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